preponderance in Germany

preponderance [pripɔndərəns] Übergewicht

Sentence patterns related to "preponderance"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "preponderance" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "preponderance", or refer to the context using the word "preponderance" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. I had some preponderance than him also.

2. There is a preponderance of hot days inand August.

3. The preponderance of evidence suggests that he's guilty.

4. A high preponderance of Protestant ascetics might then be suggestive.

5. There is a preponderance of tiger in the forest.

6. 29 The preponderance of evidence suggests that he's guilty.

7. 1 The preponderance of evidence suggests that he's guilty.

8. 7 But there's, uh, still a preponderance of evidence against him.

9. 14 The least preponderance in either pan will unbalance the scale.

10. There is a preponderance of hot days in July and August.

11. Ideological political work is the fine tradition and political preponderance of our party.

12. 6 The preponderance of evidence continues to indicate there is no threat.

13. There is a preponderance of literature about the Androcentric tendencies of school boards.

14. The preponderance of evidence also indicates that the scribe acted as the test administrator.

15. ROGET THESAURUS Absoluteness Authority N authority, influence, patronage, power, preponderance, credit, prestige, prerogative, jurisdiction, right, direction

16. Also, the preponderance of men means that the mating game works in favour of women.

17. There is a preponderance of the group of epidermoid carcinomata among smokers as against Adenocarcinomata

18. It has concluded, by a preponderance of evidence, that he later slashed her to death.

19. 9 In a civil action, a verdict may be based on the preponderance of evidence.

20. 2 It has concluded, by a preponderance of evidence, that he later slashed her to death.

21. The preponderance complementarity of the two modes will greatly improve human connatural function and develop medical high-tech.

22. The Brisks bear the burden of establishing this exception to discharge by a preponderance of the evidence

23. There is, therefore, a preponderance of lower paid posts, and a lack of professional and managerial posts.

24. The preponderance of directly managed units in the new arrangements could affect the remit of authorities in another way.

25. Both Alexander and Nicholas were also extremely concerned to perpetuate noble preponderance among senior civil and military officials.

26. An Allegation is substantiated if misconduct is found to be improper based on a preponderance of the evidence

27. But the proportion was still impressive, and it assured the political and social preponderance of the privileged classes.

28. 10 Management must be able to show, generally through the preponderance of evidence, that the offense was committed.

29. An Allegation is unfounded if a preponderance of the evidence suggests that the event or alleged act did not occur.

30. At sentencing, the judge found by a preponderance of the evidence that Putra had been involved in both transactions.

31. According to a survey of delegates, the majority were happy with the preponderance of ideas-related over object-related sessions.

32. 8 On net, however, the preponderance of evidence shows that the employment of mothers is a positive influence on families.

33. With the continuing preponderance of the agricultural population this aspiration was not then as unrealistic as it might seem today.

34. 4 Creditor is required to prove by a preponderance of evidence that his claim against debtor is not dischargeable in bankruptcy.

35. ‘Because of the preponderance of the mineral Anorthite (a calcium-rich variety of the mineral plagioclase feldspar) this rock type is called anorthosite.’

36. Ereignis, as equality and reciprocity of the two sides of the double relation, contradicts the absolute preponderance and Antecedence of being over man

37. And, Anticipating the defection of the supposed hero to the dark side, there is a preponderance of broodily low-key numbers

38. In a civil case, jurors need only a preponderance of evidence to rule for the plaintiff and the defendant must testify.

39. The occupational census data too underline the general insignificance of industry ( modern and traditional ) and the preponderance of agriculture and allied pursuits .

40. 3 In a civil case, jurors need only a preponderance of evidence to rule for the plaintiff and the defendant must testify.

41. In the small cemetery in the town of Santa Clara, Utah, I remember the preponderance of Swiss names which adorn the weathered tombstones.

42. ‘Because of the preponderance of the mineral anorthite (a calcium-rich variety of the mineral plagioclase feldspar) this rock type is called Anorthosite.’

43. The Atrabilious temperament or melancholia is, according to Aristotle, a natural disposition in which there is a preponderance of black bile over the other humours.

44. While screening between ages 40 and 50 is still controversial, the preponderance of the evidence indicates that there is some small benefit in terms of early detection.

45. 5 Recently, a preponderance of evidence supports thatinflammation plays an important role in a wide range of cardiovascular diseases,( especially in the development of atherosclerosis.

46. The highest order of preponderance for "Coldness" was related to the group of patients whose symptoms were confirmed surgically as those of a herniated disc

47. In Babylonia, in place of the bas-relief, there was a preponderance of three-dimensional figures—the earliest examples being the Statues of Gudea—that were realistic, if also somewhat clumsy

48. What to wear to your Apres ski party — a question that often lands on the desk at AskMen HQ — is an entirely unnecessary preponderance to bog yourself down with, for often it will be exactly

49. ‘So, for the sake of this venerable pageant, let's hope the hopefuls display gratitude and pulchritude, rather than Crassitude and attitude.’ ‘It definitely has nothing to do with gays marrying and absolutely everything to do with the preponderance of rampant Crassitude.’

50. The endogenous loss of CO2 by agglutination to pyro-racemic acid and formation of oxalic acetate must, however, in the same way decrease the respiratory quotient (RQ), and even causes by taking away the bicarbonate from the „buffersystem” NaHCO3/CO2 the preponderance of the bicarbonate, to alcalosis.

Der endogene Verlust von CO2 durch Bindung an Brenztraubensäure und Bildung von Oxalessigsäure muß jedoch in gleicher Weise den RQ. erniedrigen, ja er führt durch Wegnahme des CO2 aus dem Pufferungssystem NaHCO3/CO2 zum Überwiegen des Bicarbonats zur Alkalose.