pouring on in Germany

pouring on [pɔːriŋwʌn] zugießend

Sentence patterns related to "pouring on"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pouring on" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pouring on", or refer to the context using the word "pouring on" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Nor was Jesus baptized by either affusion (pouring on the head) or aspersion (sprinkling).

Auch Jesus wurde nicht durch Übergießen oder Besprengen getauft.

2. Was it to be by aspersion (sprinkling), affusion (pouring on the head), or immersion (complete submersion)?

Durch Aspersion (Besprengen), Infusion (Begießen) oder Immersion (völliges Untertauchen)?

3. There's 10,000 watts of light pouring on the stage, one horsepower is 746 watts, at full power.

4. Corblet says: “The majority of theologians and liturgists admit in a general manner: 1st, that there was total immersion from evangelical times until about the fourteenth century; 2nd, that from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century, partial immersion of the body was used with affusion [pouring] on the head; 3rd, that from the fifteenth century affusion alone replaced affusion accompanied by immersion.”

Corblet sagt: „Die meisten Theologen und Liturgisten geben im allgemeinen zu, daß man 1. von der frühchristlichen Zeit an bis etwa zum vierzehnten Jahrhundert untertauchte, 2. daß vom dreizehnten bis zum fünfzehnten Jahrhundert das teilweise Untertauchen des Körpers, verbunden mit dem Besprengen [Übergießen] des Kopfes, aufkam und 3. daß im fünfzehnten Jahrhundert das mit Untertauchen verbundene Besprengen durch das bloße Besprengen ersetzt wurde.“

5. Treat yourself to the best Anointing oil sold directly from its source in Jerusalem! Mentioned 20 times in Scripture, Anointing oil was used in Biblical times for pouring on the head of the High priest and his descendants and for sprinkling the Tabernacle and its furnishings to mark them as holy and set apart to the Lord (Exodus 25:6; Leviticus 8:30; Numbers 4:16).