positive definite in Germany

positive definite [pɔzətivdefinət] positiv definit [math.]

Sentence patterns related to "positive definite"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "positive definite" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "positive definite", or refer to the context using the word "positive definite" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Gaussian elimination is numerically stable for diagonally dominant or positive-definite matrices.

2. The integral is absolutely convergent and the Petersson inner product is a positive definite Hermitian form.

Das Integral ist absolut konvergent, und das Petersson-Skalarprodukt ist eine positiv definite Hermitesche Form.

3. So, an inner product on a real vector space is a positive-definite symmetric bilinear form.

Ein Skalarprodukt auf einem reellen Vektorraum ist eine nicht ausgeartete, symmetrische, positiv definite Bilinearform.

4. Consequences of Autocorrelated disturbances: Consider the model with first-order autoregressive disturbances 1 1 1 1,1,2,, n nkk n tt t yX u uu t n with assumptions 2 ()0,(') if 0 ()0,( ) ttts0if 0 Eu Euu s EE s where is a positive definite matrix.