pointing out in Germany

pointing out [pɔintiŋaut] hinweisend

Sentence patterns related to "pointing out"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pointing out" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pointing out", or refer to the context using the word "pointing out" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. I'm young, as you so enjoy pointing out.

2. Writing a Critique involves more than pointing out mistakes

3. Here, he's pointing out a rare Black- shouldered Kite.

4. Finally obtaining the research conclusion and pointing out the insufficiency.

5. As never tires of pointing out, Android is an open operating system.

6. Talk by school overseer, stressing benefits and pointing out adjustments for coming year.

7. However, scientists and others counter such complaints by pointing out the benefits of beaver activity.

8. And when they say this, they are merely pointing out what the Bible itself says.

9. I was merely pointing out that my lord is well within his rights to refuse.

10. Countries in the region appealed to tourists to return, pointing out that most tourist infrastructure is undamaged.

11. Increase visits to your site / blog pointing out the RSS feeds of your items, on our aggregator.

Erhöhung der Zugriffe auf Ihre Website / Blog unter Hinweis auf die RSS-Feeds für Ihre Artikel, auf unserer Aggregator.

12. 7 Conclusion Pointing out the status and function of innovational instruction in the course of foundational education.

13. Here is a Bleat from a disgruntled Indian, pointing out the obvious from one side of the culture war

14. Hypernyms ("Carping" is a kind of): criticism; unfavorable judgment (disapproval expressed by pointing out faults or shortcomings)

15. Synonyms for Adducing include citing, quoting, mentioning, naming, instancing, referring to, making reference to, alluding to, specifying and pointing out

16. The information is fine, even useful, pointing out that "Consubstantial" is more precise than the phrase it replaces

17. My Member of Parliament responded to my appeal by pointing out that their refusal is in line with the law.

18. 22 We flick through a few of them, Gilbert and George pointing out the anachronistic charm of the airbrushed male nudes.

19. A film critic might Criticize a movie by pointing out its poor writing, uneven pace, amateurish acting, or shoddy special effects

20. A film critic might Criticize a movie by pointing out its poor writing, uneven pace, amateurish acting, or shoddy special effects

21. The recommendations of the Committee , by pointing out administrative lacunae in policy implementation , have led to valuable improvements in the financial machinery .

22. This Grade 2 Listed Building is set in a rocky cliff face pointing out to sea a little way along the foreshore.

23. Bluder likes the neutral setting for the tournament, pointing out that home-court advantages have traditionally been a part of the women’s tournament

24. Ebert later reprinted on his site an analysis of the film pointing out various plot elements supporting the idea of Claire being an angel.

25. But thanks for pointing out the reason Abiogenesists demand an incalculable (and unreproducible) time span of billions of years for their theories to work

26. Created by Dean Young, Blondie and Dagwood Bumstead are the quintessential American family: working, raising kids, and pointing out the humor in everyday life

27. Guderian protested, pointing out that losses from cold were actually greater than combat losses and that winter equipment was held by traffic ties in Poland.

28. 20 This paper makes a probe into the system of intestate succession in China, pointing out some existing problems and attempting to find ways to perfect.

29. I may be pointing out the obvious, but I haven't seen it mentioned: I think for most people, quiet restaurants have their place, as do noisier, Buzzier ones

30. Roger Payne and an ocean acoustician published a theoretical paper pointing out that it was possible that sound could transmit over these large areas, but very few biologists believed it.

In den frühen 70ern veröffentlichte der Meeresakustiker Roger Payne eine wissenschaftliche Abhandlung, in der er darauf hinwies, dass sich Schall über solche weiten Gebiete übertragen könne, doch nur wenige Biologen glaubten daran.

31. I don't know which is more dangerous, that religious beliefs force some people to choose between knowledge and myth or that pointing out how religion can purvey ignorance is taboo.

32. “Lucky Strike has the congenially grungy feeling of an ancient haunt in Les Halles in Paris,” he wrote, pointing out a “derma of pallid yellow paint, a Bonhomous bar, tightly arranged

33. - The idea of Bipoles IIRC was to have a null or semi-dead zone pointing out from the speakers. So for instance, if they were exactly to the side of a couch

34. 5 After pointing out the deficiencies of the love expressed by humans toward one another, as cited above, Jesus added this remark: “You must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

35. Mainly, his essays struck a cord in viewers by pointing out life's unspoken truths or more often complaining about its subtle lies, earning him the "curmudgeon" status he wore like a uniform.

36. This was actually a time when the Anchorpersons should have shown some forbearance, encouraged the administration to get its act together, and should have helped them by pointing out the results of their observations

37. In the early '70s, Roger Payne and an ocean acoustician published a theoretical paper pointing out that it was possible that sound could transmit over these large areas, but very few biologists believed it.

38. In 2008, Henderson interpreted the growing pirate activities at the Gulf of Aden as additional support, pointing out that Somalia has "the highest number of pirates and the lowest carbon emissions of any country".

39. And, fit they were; John Masefield, pointing out that the Anzacs had had no more than six months' training, wrote: "They were, however, the finest body of young men ever brought together in modern times.

40. Allow me to end by pointing out that the European political neighbourhood was promoted in tandem with the accession of the Ten, with the aim of mitigating the formation of new lines of division with neighbouring countries.

Gestatten Sie mir abschließend daran zu erinnern, dass die europäische politische Nachbarschaft gemeinsam mit dem Beitritt der Zehn vorangebracht wurde, und zwar mit dem Ziel, der Bildung neuer Trennlinien zwischen benachbarten Ländern entgegenzuwirken.

41. They point out that reading the Kafka work while focusing on the futility of his characters' struggles reveals Kafka's play of humour; he is not necessarily commenting on his own problems, but rather pointing out how people tend to invent problems.

42. Brickbat: 1 n a fragment of brick used as a weapon Type of: fragment a piece broken off or cut off of something else n blunt criticism Type of: criticism , unfavorable judgment disapproval expressed by pointing out faults or shortcomings

43. Gulf of Mexico Origin, Waters, and Biota: Volume 5, Chemical Oceanography serves as an important reference for understanding the basic science, management, and economic issues facing the Gulf of Mexico while pointing out key topics in critical need of additional research.

44. Hu believed that dogmatically pursuing a mere increase in economic output did not benefit everyone in the region, particularly farmers and nomadic herders, pointing out that the large mining projects had brought significant wealth which did not trickle down to the grassroots.

45. This Avowal does not deter him from pointing out (6) that the metafictional nature of the Quijote, with its ramifications, involutions, Chinese-box tales-within-tales and presence of author-as-personage within the text, curiously - and even if direct influence is impossible - …

46. The Scriptures counsel against idle speech, pointing out that the tongue is difficult to tame and that it “is constituted a world of unrighteousness among our members, for it spots up all the body and sets the wheel of natural life aflame.”

47. In his Al-Shukūk ‛alā Batlamyūs, variously translated as Doubts Concerning Ptolemy or Aporias against Ptolemy, published at some time between 1025 and 1028, Alhazen criticized Ptolemy's Almagest, Planetary Hypotheses, and Optics, pointing out various contradictions he found in these works, particularly in astronomy.

48. Re: Is pointing out and Condemning China's Uygher Genocide a hate-crime against Asians? Posted by Auburn1968 on 3/22/21 at 11:00 am to Knight of Old Saw this coming back when Jihadist mounted mass knife attacks against Chinese in train stations.

49. Increasing the sense of responsibility of those involved, by stressing that Carelessness by pedestrians, cyclists and vehicle drivers very often causes collisions and by pointing out that vehicle drivers are sometimes not solely responsible for accidents; responsible behaviour by other road users could thus be encouraged.

50. The Birchers, of course, see the WTO as merely one step in the long, slow march toward World Government, and as the magazine is fond of pointing out, the idea of global trade, regulation, and law has worked its way from fringe media to the mainstream