overlain in Germany

overlain [ouvəlin] über gelege

Sentence patterns related to "overlain"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "overlain" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "overlain", or refer to the context using the word "overlain" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. They are overlain unconformably by deposits of the transgressive Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian—Turonian) sea.

Schwach geneigte Sedimente des transgredierenden Oberkreidemeeres (Cenoman bis Turon) liegen diskordant darüber.

2. These units are unconformably overlain by the younger São Francisco Series.

Die jüngere São-Francisco-Serie liegt diskordant über den älteren Einheiten.

3. Where the flowing ashes are overlain by airborne ash, an ignimbrite or tuff is formed.

4. age (“Diabase-Hornstein Formation”) and are unconformably overlain by coarse-grained clastic sediments of Tithonian age.

Alters intrudieren (“Diabas-Hornstein-Formation”) und welche diskordant von grobklastischen thitonen Sedimenten überlagert werden.

5. They form the filling of several craters and pipes, which are unconformably overlain by Ordovician respectively Silurian sediments.

Sie bilden die Füllung mehrerer Krater und Schlote, die an ihrer Obergrenze diskordant von ordovizischen bzw. silurischen Sedimenten überlagert werden.

6. Synonyms for Blanketed include covered, coated, overlaid, overlayed, overlay, carpeted, overspread, capped, draped and overlain

7. The turbidite deposits were locally overlain by shallow-marine sandstone and fluvial to alluvial fan conglomerate.

8. 19 Birds even have local accents overlain on the basic language patterns with which they are born.

9. The flow path (20) is at least partially lined by an absorptive overlain by a perforate material(8).

10. The enclosing sediments are rhythmic couplets of alternating fine sand and silt layers overlain by silty clay and fine–medium silt layers.

11. The southern edge of the dome is overlain by sandstones of Triassic age though they barely impinge on the National Park.

12. The lower desert sand plain sequence consists of subaerial sand flat deposits overlain by aeolian sand sheet and dune facies topped by interbedded aeolian and ephemeral river deposits.

Die untere Wüsten-Abfolge besteht aus subaerischen Sandflächen-Sedimenten, auf denen äolische Sandschichten und Sand-Dünen liegen und zuobers abwechselnd von äolischen und fluviatilen Sandsteinen gefolgt werden.

13. Cratons can be described as shields, in which the basement rock crops out at the surface, and platforms, in which the basement is overlain by sediments and sedimentary rock

14. Resting unconformably on the upper surface of the basalt is a thin layer (≤ 10 m) of marine, basal Windsor Group limestone, disconformably overlain by alluvial conglomerates of inferred Hopewell Group age.

15. It is relatively unmetamorphosed, underlain by Hadrynian acoustic basement, and overlain along its eastern and southern margins by a Mesozoic–Cenozoic succession that is economically important from an oil and gas perspective.

16. ‘The shallow soils are derived from fluvial gravel overlain by multiple ash deposits and Aeolian dust.’ ‘Quartz grains are angular, suggestive of eolian origin.’ ‘The regionally immense deposits of rich loess soils, for example in the Midwest, are also of Aeolian origin.’

17. The Pickle Crow assemblage consists of tholeiitic basalt with thin, but laterally extensive, oxide-facies iron formation overlain by alkalic basalts and minor calc-alkaline andesites to dacites with primitive Nd isotopic compositions (εNd2.89 Ga = +2.1 to +2.4) suggestive of deposition in a sediment-starved oceanic basin.

18. Mud and silt, similar to sediments presently accumulating off the mouth of Fraser River in the southern Strait of Georgia, are conformably overlain by a thick unit of sandy foreset beds, dipping gently to the south-southwest into Boundary Bay and deposited in a foreslope environment.