microbiological in Germany

microbiological [maikroubaiəlɔdʒikl] mikrobiologisch

Sentence patterns related to "microbiological"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "microbiological" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "microbiological", or refer to the context using the word "microbiological" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. by the use of microbiological procedures (see Microbiological De-acidification by lactic acid bacteria).

durch Anwendung mikrobiologischer Verfahren (siehe Mikrobiologische Entsäuerung durch Milchsäurebakterien).

2. Microbiological production of 3-hydroxypropionic acid

Mikrobiologische herstellung von 3-hydroxypropionsäure

3. Total aerobic microbiological count: < 105 CFU/g

Gesamtzahl der aeroben Bakterien: &lt; 105KBE/g

4. • Agricultural practices to prevent microbiological contamination

5. Microbiological remediation of PAH contaminated construction debris by alkaliphilic consortia

6. NOTE: Biosafety 101: Standard Microbiological Practices is a prerequisite for this course

7. A microbiological diagnosis from blood or sputum is difficult to establish.

Die Diagnose ist schwierig, da ein mikrobiologischer Nachweis aus Sputum oder Blut nur selten gelingt.

8. [Biocenosis of vagina in women in light of microbiological examinations of vaginal content]

9. The present paper reviews clinical, microbiological and chemical parameters useful in acne vulgaris.

In vorliegender Abhandlung werden die in der Literatur beschriebenen Methoden zur Beurteilung klinischer, mikrobiologischer und laborchemischer Parameter bei Acne vulgaris vorgestellt und miteinander verglichen.

10. The differentiated need for a microbiological sputum screening is emphasized.

Procalcitonin, Stellung genommen und auf den differenzierten Bedarf der mikrobiologischen Sputumaufbereitung hingewiesen.

11. Soil zone of enhanced microbiological activity in vicinity of roots

Bodenzone mit verstaerkter mikrobieller Aktivitaet im Wurzelbereich

12. Membrane filter cartridges for microbiological analysis of water and other liquids

Membranfilterpatronen für die mikrobiologische Analyse von Wasser und anderen Flüssigkeiten

13. The invention relates to the microbiological industry, microbiology and biotechnology, and specifically to the production of physiologically active compounds, and concerns the production of a protein, Bacteriorhodopsin, by means of microbiological synthesis

14. Castings contain rich microbiological colonies that help fight soil-borne plant diseases and repel insects

15. Sampling plans to check the microbiological quality of live bivalve molluscs must take particular account of:

Die Probenahmepläne zur Überprüfung der mikrobiologischen Qualität lebender Muscheln müssen insbesondere Folgendes berücksichtigen:

16. This is called'cold pasteurization'or filtration and achieves microbiological stability without the heat of conventional pasteurization.

17. With care, microbiological plate assays can give results of adequate accuracy and selectivity, and with sufficient speed.

Bei sorgfältiger Durchführung können die mikrobiologischen Plattentests angemessen exakte und selektive Ergebnisse genügend schnell erbringen.

18. (b) check the microbiological quality of live bivalve molluscs in relation to the production and relaying areas;

b) die mikrobiologische Beschaffenheit der lebenden Muscheln in Verbindung mit dem Erzeugungsgebiet und dem Umsetzgebiet zu kontrollieren;

19. The guidelines for drinking water quality recommended maximum acceptable levels for various physical, chemical, radiological, and microbiological substances.

20. The concentration of easily Assimilable organic carbon (AOC) largely determines the microbiological stability of drinking water

21. 15 With the further investigation on the periodontitis aetiology, the importance of the subgingival microbiological detection becomes more significant.

22. An Atypic prepubertal periodontitis? A clinical, microbiological, immunological and ultrastructural study , Journal of Clinical Periodontology , 24 , 11 , (836-843) , (2005)

23. This review reflects the current diagnostic approaches and formulates diagnostic algorithms for specific and well-directed microbiological diagnosis.

Diese Übersicht beleuchtet den aktuellen Stand diagnostischer Möglichkeiten und formuliert diagnostische Algorithmen zur gezielten Erregerdiagnostik.

24. Said preparation comprises synthetic or natural organic compounds containing covalently bound iodine selected from the following groups: carbonic acids, unsaturated fat acids, lipids, terpene, alkanets, terpenoids, isoprenes, peptides, polypeptides, amino acids, protein hydrolysates, polypeptide hydrolysates, vegetable proteins, animal proteins, microbiological proteins, a mixture of lipids and unsaturated fat acids, a mixture of isoprenes and terpenes, a mixture of isoprenes and protein hydrolysates, a mixture of isoprenes and unsaturated fat acids, a mixture of vegetable, animal and microbiological proteins, a mixture of vegetable and animal proteins, a mixture of animal and microbiological proteins and a mixture of vegetable and microbiological proteins.

25. Infectious Aetiologies of severe acute chest syndrome in sickle-cell adult patients, combining conventional microbiological tests and respiratory multiplex PCR

26. Agar, Bacteriological No. 1 is a solidifying agent for use in preparing microbiological culture media in a laboratory setting

27. In microbiological assay tests withStreptococcus zymogenes, the available methionine of the alkali-treated material was consistently lower by about 20%.

In mikrobiologischen Tests mitStreptococcus zymogenes war der verfügbare Methionin-Gehalt in dem Alkalibehandelten Material beträchtlich geringer, um ca.

28. S. typhimurium (ISC Chemicals Ltd., 1977) Weak positive: human peripheral blood lymphocytes (chromosomal aberrations) (no composition data provided) (Microbiological Associates Inc., 1996a / 1996b)

29. The performance evaluation of both aerobic and anaerobic treatment processes included pH-regulation, microbiological degradation of olive oil wastewater, and irrigation influence.

Die Leistungseinschätzung der aeroben und anaeroben Reinigungsprozesse richtete sich auf die pH-Regulierung, den mikrobiologischen Abbau von Olivenölabwasser sowie den Einfluss der Bewässerung.

30. In medicine, sputum samples are usually used for naked eye exam, microbiological investigations of respiratory infections, and cytological investigations of respiratory systems.

31. Samples shall be taken from Churnings or batches and should be taken as often as is necessary to insure microbiological control

32. Food raw materials are raw materials of plant, animal, microbiological, mineral or artificial origin and water used to produce foodstuffs, excluding food and biologically active additives

33. These may include some non-microbiological tests: – ABO blood group and Rh(D) group and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing; – red and white blood cell count.

34. In the microbiological tolerance range the lower limits according to the Austrian law Milchhygieneverordnung constitute the upper limits accepted for quality label products.

Im mikrobiologischen Toleranzbereich stellen die niedrigeren Grenzwerte (nach der österreichischen Milchhygieneverordnung) die oberen Grenzwerte für Gütesiegel-Erzeugnisse dar.

35. The MOFIN Alce Group began in 1950 by Mario Mogna when the first company of the group was established in Novara: "The Alce Microbiological Laboratory"

36. The publication Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories 1 is a principal reference and the resource for much of the information presented in this month’s column

37. Food raw materials are raw materials of plant, animal, microbiological, mineral or artificial origin and water used to produce foodstuffs, excluding food and biologically active additives.

38. As regards the product's microbiological properties, the aerobic mesophilic bacteria, aciduric lactic bacteria and lactic bacteria that develop during ageing must exceed # × # colony-forming units/g

Mikrobiologische Merkmale: die aeroben mesophilen Bakterien, Milchsäurebakterien und Milchbakterien, die sich im Verlauf der Reifung entwickeln, müssen mehr als # × # kolonienbildende Einheiten pro Gramm aufweisen

39. Gentamicin is one of the few heat-stable antibiotics that remain active even after autoclaving, which makes it particularly useful in the preparation of some microbiological growth media.

40. Overview: Categorisation of food colours* A colour that is derived from plant, animal, mineral or microbiological source through traditional processing and/or appropriate physical processing

41. 1 day ago · North Shore Specialty Foods of Ontario over the weekend recalled smoked trout products that may contain Microbiological – Clostridium Botulinum

42. 109 On this point, the Commission, recalling that in Case C‐316/00 Commission v Ireland [2002] ECR I‐10527 the Court held that Ireland had failed to comply with the microbiological standards of Directive 80/778, argues that there is a correlation between microbiological contamination and the presence of list II substances, in particular ammonia, phosphorus and chlorides.

November 2002, Kommission/Irland (C‐316/00, Slg. 2002, I‐10527), entschieden habe, dass Irland die in der Richtlinie 80/778 festgelegten mikrobiologischen Normen nicht beachtet habe; es bestehe ein Zusammenhang zwischen der mikrobiologischen Verseuchung und dem Vorhandensein von Stoffen aus der Liste II, insbesondere von Ammoniak, Phosphor und Chloriden.

43. A turbidostat is a continuous microbiological culture device, similar to a Chemostat or an auxostat, which has feedback between the turbidity of the culture vessel and the dilution rate

44. NSF-certified Biosafety cabinets are vital primary containment devices at laboratories handling microbiological and biomedical materials, and their behind-the-scenes role has never been more critical

45. Shaughnessy stated: “The complexity and beautiful order of the microbiological world is so wonderfully constructed that it appears to be part of a divinely ordained system.”

46. Food raw materials for production of egg products are raw materials of plant, animal, microbiological, mineral or artificial origin and water used to produce foodstuffs, excluding food and biologically active additives.

47. As regards the product's microbiological properties, the aerobic mesophilic bacteria, aciduric lactic bacteria and lactic bacteria that develop during ageing must exceed 1 × 107 colony-forming units/g.

Mikrobiologische Merkmale: die aeroben mesophilen Bakterien, Milchsäurebakterien und Milchbakterien, die sich im Verlauf der Reifung entwickeln, müssen mehr als 1 × 107 kolonienbildende Einheiten pro Gramm aufweisen.

48. The filter (14, 15) is preferably pleated and has an absolute pore rating no greater than about 0.8 $g(m)m to remove many microbiological organisms from the liquid.

49. Incomplete and a good Bacteriology media reference such as Difco Manual, McFaddins Biochemical Media Used for Detection of Bacteria, or Atlas’s Handbook of Microbiological Media should be used for additional information

50. Also called: Bacteriologist, Microbiological Analyst, Microbiologist, Quality Control Microbiologist (QC Microbiologist) What they do: Investigate the growth, structure, development, and other characteristics of microscopic organisms, such as bacteria, algae, or fungi