meniscus in Germany

meniscus [miːniskəs] Meniskus

Sentence patterns related to "meniscus"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "meniscus" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "meniscus", or refer to the context using the word "meniscus" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. “Blunting of the meniscus” is a radiologic description of how the edge of a meniscus may appear when a knee MRI scan has been performed

2. Improvements in the selection of suitable meniscus size and surgical technique and fixation might offer the potential of substantial advances in long-term function following allogenic meniscus transplantation.

Verbesserungen bei der Wahl der geeigneten Transplantatgröße und der operativen Verfahren und Verankerung haben das Potenzial, deutliche Verbesserungen im langfristigen klinischen Verlauf erreichen zu können.

3. PRP; Lipogems; Cartilage Treatment; Meniscus; Cellular Bone; Amniotic Membrane; Other Biologics; Rehab

4. So I tore my knee joint meniscus cartilage playing soccer in college.

5. The meniscus, capillary action, and surface tension are the effects of Cohesion.

6. Indications Peripheral incomplete or complete longitudinal tears of the medial or lateral meniscus.

Indikationen Basisnahe komplette oder inkomplette Längsrisse des Innen- und Außenmeniskus, sog.

7. Fill the burette with test solution and adjust the meniscus to the zero mark

8. Secondary reconstruction of the ACL was necessary in 24 patients complaining of the meniscus giving way.

Bei 24 Patienten (82%) wurde im Zug der Rearthroskopie simultan zur Meniskusteilresektion ein VKB-Ersatz aufgrund einer persistierenden symptomatischen vorderen Kniegelenkinstabilität durchgeführt.

9. Normally, the edge of a meniscus appears “sharp.” One possible cause for “Blunting” is post-surgical changes.

10. And so for her, I put in a human meniscus allograft donor right into that [ knee ] joint space.

11. The suture bar anchors were generally not detectable, the incision channels produced a hypodense signal in the meniscus tissue.

Die Ankerplättchen stellten sich meist nicht dar, die Stichkanäle gaben ein hypodenses Signal.

12. A novel alternative is arthroscopic implantation of a biodegradable collagen matrix, which replaces partial defects on the medial meniscus.

Eine neuartige Alternative hierfür ist die arthroskopische Implantation einer biologisch abbaubaren Kollagenmatrix, die partielle Defekte am Innenmeniskus ersetzt.

13. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries affected 51 patients; ACL injuries associated with meniscus (ACL+M) injuries affected 29.

Darunter waren 51 Patienten mit Verletzungen des vorderen Kreuzbandes (ACL). Neunundzwanzig Patienten hatten ACL-Verletzungen kombiniert mit Meniscusverlet zung (ACL+ M).

14. Now, water, put in a confined space, dips a little bit in the center- - it's called a meniscus.

15. Essentially, the meniscus of cartilage that is between bone had been completely torn and the bone itself had been shattered.

16. Conclusion The clinic of simple meniscus injury with sclerosis denaturalization are non-typical and arthroscopic check-up is valuable for the diagnosis.

17. In pre-season training for the 2011–12 Premier League season, Essien ruptured his anterior cruciate ligament and meniscus, undergoing surgery on 11 July 2011.

18. It is suggested that injury of meniscus should be diagnosed and treated in early stage, total meniscectomy should be as for as possible avoided.

19. At the tibia, the AM tunnel is first drilled aligned with the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus. Afterwards, the PL tunnel is drilled PCL referenced.

An der Tibia wird zuerst der AM-Tunnel in Höhe des Außenmeniskusvorderhorns angelegt, danach der PL-Tunnel, der 8–10 mm vor dem HKB liegen sollte.

20. Fixed-gear bike riders who quickly try to stop Backpedaling may also put too much pressure on their knees, risking tears to cartilage or the meniscus.

21. Creaky Knees Caused Due To Injuries – Any trauma to the ligaments, meniscus or soft tissues that can damage the cartilage is invariably hurting the cushion between the bones

22. The metal ions are reduced at the growth front within the meniscus area and deposited at the substrate by application of an appropriate pulsed electric potential between the electrodes.

23. The present invention relates to a new method for repairing human or animal tissues such as cartilage, meniscus, ligament, tendon, bone, skin, cornea, periodontal tissues, abscesses, resected tumors, and ulcers.

24. A baker's cyst may occur as a result of an injury to the knee, such as a tear in a meniscus, or damage to the cartilage from conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis

25. Postoperative pain was markedly reduced. The majority of those patients with a meniscus lesion as the exclusive abnormality in their knee joint experienced a rapid recovery and returned to work within 2 weeks after surgery.

Die Nachuntersuchungen zeigten, daß der Krankenhausaufenthalt im Durchschnitt 4-5 Tage betrug, der postoperative Wundschmerz fast völlig entfiel und in den ersten 2 Wochen nach der Operation bei Meniskusschaden ohne zusätzliche Läsion wieder Arbeitsfähigkeit bestand.

26. The achromatic optics comprises a spherical mirror (30) receiving a beam of radiation in a direction away from its axis and a pair of lenses (22, 24): a positive lens (22) and a negative meniscus lens (24).

27. Any concurrent injury (for example, Arthrolith, anterior cruciate ligament rupture, meniscus tear) of the target knee requiring surgical intervention; OA or any pre-existing cartilage damage in the target knee, as revealed by MRI; Legal incapacity or limited legal capacity; Subjects who are imprisoned or institutionalized by regulatory or court

28. Apochromat Flat Field >> 25! EC- Plan- NEOFLUAR Flat Field > 25! W- N ACHROPLAN Flat Field ~ 20 F- FLUAR Flat Field ~ 17 FLUAR (non flattened!) Flat Field ~ 14 Compensated by steeply curved lens surfaces at the back of the objectives and by a concave meniscus within the front lens

29. The Articular disk (or meniscus) is a unique structure of TMJ that exists between the lower (the convex upper end of the condyle) and upper Articular surfaces (the concave lower part of the temporal bone) of the TMJ and thus divides the joint into upper and lower joint compartments (Ide et al., 1991; Tanaka et al., 2008)

30. FIGURE 146: Doublet Achromat objective types for the common crown/flint combination, 100mm f/10 examples.The standard choice is Fraunhofer doublet, an aplanat consisting from biconvex front lens followed by a negative meniscus, with the secondary spectrum, defined as the longitudinal separation between the red/blue (C/F) focus and green (e-line) focus, of about 0.00055f (about 0.0005f measured

31. The invention relates to compounds of formula (I) which are used to produce drugs for prophylaxis and therapy of all conditions whose development is associated to an increased level of interleukin-1$g(b), e.g. septic shock, leukaemia, hepatitis, amyotrophy, HIV infections or degenerative disorders of joints, such as arthrosis, spondylosis, chondrolysis following traumatic joint injury or prolonged immobilisation of joints following meniscus or knee cap injuries or ligament tears, or conjunctiva tissue conditions such as collagen disease, parodontium disease, wound healing disorders and chronic disease of the motility system, such as infectious, immunologic or metabolism-related acute and chronic arthritis, arthropathy, rheumatoid arthritis, myalgia and bone metabolism disorders.

Verbindungen der Formel (I) eignen sich zur Herstellung von Arzneimitteln zur Prophylaxe und Therapie all solcher Erkrankungen, an deren Verlauf eine verstärkte Konzentration von Interleukin-1$g(b) beteiligt ist, beispielsweise septischer Schock, Leukämie, Hepatitis, Muskelabbau, HIV-Infektionen oder degenerative Gelenkerkrangungen wie Osteoarthrosen, Spondylosen, Knorpelschwund nach Gelenktrauma oder längerer Gelenksruhigstellung nach Meniskus- oder Patellaverletzungen oder Bänderrissen oder Erkrankungen des Bindegewebes wie Kollagenosen, Periodontalerkrankungen, Wundheilungsstörungen und chronische Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparates wie entzündliche, immunologisch oder stoffwechselbedingte akute und chronische Arthritiden, Arthropathien, rheumatoide Arthritis, Myalgien und Störungen des Knochenstoffwechsels.

32. The invention relates to an optical system (50) of a stereo video endoscope (1) with lateral viewing direction, comprising a sideways looking distal optical assembly (60) and a proximal optical assembly (70), wherein the distal optical assembly (60) comprises successively in a direction of light incidence an entrance lens (61), an optical deflection unit (62) and an exit lens (63), embodied as a hollow positive meniscus, on a common optical axis, wherein the proximal optical assembly (70) has at least in sections two right and left lens system channels (71, 72) of identical type and arranged parallel to one another, having in each case a dedicated optical axis, which have in each case in the direction of light incidence at least one first lens (71a, 72a) and an achromatic lens group (71b, 72b), and the invention relates to a corresponding stereo video endoscope (1) with lateral viewing direction.

Die Erfindung betrifft ein optisches System (50) eines Stereo-Videoendoskops (1) mit seitlicher Blickrichtung, umfassend eine seitwärts blickende distale optische Baugruppe (60) und eine proximale optische Baugruppe (70), wobei die distale optische Baugruppe (60) in einer Lichteinfallsrichtung aufeinanderfolgend eine Eintrittslinse (61), eine optische Ablenkeinheit (62) und eine als hohler positiver Meniskus ausgebildete Austrittslinse (63) auf einer gemeinsamen optischen Achse umfasst, wobei die distale optische Baugruppe (70) wenigstens abschnittsweise zwei gleichartige, parallel zueinander angeordnete rechte und linke Linsensystemkanäle (71, 72) mit jeweils einer eigenen optischen Achse aufweist, die jeweils in Lichteinfallsrichtung wenigstens eine erste Linse (71a, 72a) und eine Achromaten-Linsengruppe (71b, 72b) aufweisen, sowie ein entsprechendes Stereo-Videoendoskop (1) mit seitlicher Blickrichtung.