malaise in Germany

malaise [mæleiz] Unpässlichkeit

Sentence patterns related to "malaise"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "malaise" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "malaise", or refer to the context using the word "malaise" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The malaise had spread countrywide however.

2. Could economic malaise galvanize the region?

3. He complained of depression, headaches and malaise.

4. You can see signs of malaise in our office.

5. Affluenza is a psychological malaise supposedly affecting wealthy people

6. Rabies could cause muscle spasms, malaise, anxiety and wakefulness.

7. There is a restlessness, a malaise, among the workers.

8. Many wanted to share their strange feelings of malaise.

9. We were discussing the roots of the current economic malaise.

10. Loss of appetite and general malaise may also occur .

11. Is not the same but will also have consonance malaise?

12. It is a malaise that affects both intellectuals and the masses.

13. The first sign of illness is a malaise no worse than influenza.

14. These include general malaise, vision problems, and increases in anxiety and insomnia.

15. 29 The housing malaise, they think, will linger, but less maliciously.

16. There is no easy short-term solution to Britain's chronic economic malaise.

17. His productivity and avidity for life could not obliterate an inner malaise.

18. Actually it reveals the depth of a malaise that has hardly been addressed.

Tatsächlich enthüllt es die Tragweite des Missstandes, gegen den kaum vorgegangen wurde.

19. Richardson was reluctant to blame OPEC for this budding return to energy malaise.

20. He was afflicted by the modern malaise of instability and a fear of life.

21. The latest crime figures are merely symptomatic of a wider malaise in society.

22. Weary of the general air of malaise in the Observer office, she had written round.

23. They claim it is a symptom of a deeper and more general malaise in society.

24. Common Adverse effects may be fever, malaise and local reactions in the vaccination site

25. And how does the visceral malaise affect the behavioral response to the intake of sapid solution?

26. Unless we address the problem of insufficient global aggregate demand, the Great Malaise will continue.

Wenn wir das Problem der unzureichenden globalen Nachfrage nicht lösen, wird die große Misere weitergehen.

27. Britain's neighbours have connected the latest crisis, over foot and mouth, with a deeper malaise.

28. The essence of this constitutional malaise was the changing attitude of the young towards those in authority.

29. The afflicted person will complain of aches and pains, headache, sore throat, loss of appetite, and general malaise.

30. He knows voters are clamoring for decisive action to stop the country's slide into economic malaise.

31. " Ablutions is a novel about the deteriorating health of our livers and the malaise of our dreams

32. The breakdown of community has brought far more problems than personal malaise, of course. Juvenile crime is up.

33. Their collective mood had found its cellar, a malaise like a ladder they had descended rung by rung.

34. Affluenza, a coinage combining influenza and affluence, originally described the greed and resulting malaise of consumerism.Indeed, much depression and …

35. Which is good, because pinpointing the exact cause of a flu-like malaise is often more art than science.

36. They can also help a floundering organization extricate itself from the depths of a self-inflicted malaise.

37. All of these factors taken together helped to bring about a national sense of economic and political malaise.

38. More and more the soldiers felt a certain indefinable malaise during their brief periods of leave at home.

39. The Buboes stick to deeper tissues and cause the overlying skin to become inflamed, sometimes with fever and malaise

40. Hopefully, some one, somewhere will find a permanent cure from this debilitating malaise, known only as Red Spot Mania.

41. But too much debate focuses on measures to treat the symptoms of the malaise, rather than tackling the cause.

42. 9 More and more the soldiers felt a certain indefinable malaise during their brief periods of leave at home.

43. Alcohol abuse has become a national tragedy, but for me it is a symptom of an even larger malaise.

44. Conversely, when a nation begins to see itself historically and destroys its mythology, the result is secularization and spiritual malaise.

45. A feeling of malaise which had beset him earlier, and which he had blamed on the news from Oxford, persisted.

46. If you feel a general malaise, someone may ask what Ails you, though you may just need a vacation from work or school.

47. If you feel a general malaise, someone may ask what Ails you, though you may just need a vacation from work or school

48. The past year I have had the same Bigeminal problems, along with severe chest pressure, mild pain, shortness of breath, palpitations and general malaise

49. Progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS) is characterized in most patients by initially unspecific symptoms like acrocyanosis, Raynaud's phenomenon, general malaise or acral paresthesia.

Die progressive systemische Sklerodermie (PSS) ist bei den meisten Patienten durch eine angiospastische und ödematös-entzündliche Frühphase mit Übergang in chronisch-progrediente Fibrosklerose von Haut und internen Organen charakterisiert.

50. Anomie, in contemporary English, means a condition or malaise in individuals or societies, characterized by an absence or diminution of standards or values