majorities in Germany

majorities [mədʒɔritiz] Mehrheite

Sentence patterns related to "majorities"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "majorities" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "majorities", or refer to the context using the word "majorities" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Whitford: …to have Republican majorities (“Cracking”)

2. It has a government not dependent on coalescing incompatible parties to obtain parliamentary majorities.

3. Similarly , linguistic minorities in the areas of regional languages are dissatisfied with the attitude in the respective majorities .

4. In Western Europe, large majorities of Catholics said in 2017 that they support legal same-sex marriage.

5. Malays were to be assured of safe majorities in both the state and federal parliament ...

6. Strong majorities of freshmen want more gun control, tougher environmental laws, and support gay rights.

7. 5 Politicians no longer need to draw doodle shaped boundary lines to guarantee ward majorities.

8. The book has been written anonymously by current and former Barbican employees from Global Ethnic Majorities

9. We could be given a report on the day’s decisions and take all the votes requiring absolute majorities.

10. But the silent, accommodating majorities on both sides will get on with the business of addressing the broader problems.

11. 19 Not withstanding that risk, under the Constitution, the judiciary is in the best position to blow the whistle on runaway majorities.

12. Not withstanding that risk, under the Constitution, the judiciary is in the best position to blow the whistle on runaway majorities.

13. Indira belonged to an age of absolute majorities , an age when the Constitution was a negotiable instrument and an age of regulated information .

14. For a while it looked as if the bill would sail through: Florida has been a centre of tea-party agitation and both chambers have Republican majorities.

15. Copperheads did well in local and state elections in 1862, especially in New York, and won majorities in the legislatures of Illinois and Indiana

16. General elections had since been held and the Congress Party came out victorious with absolute majorities in six out of eleven provinces of British India .

17. 25 Shakespeare early time creation ' s Crowning Work, is the long poem "Venus and Adonis", "Phoenix and the Turtle Dove" With 154 sonnet in overwhelming majorities.

18. Prime Minister Jean Chrétien of the Liberals took office in November 1993 with a majority government and was re-elected with further majorities during the 1997 and 2000 elections.

19. But it is just plain Baffling to watch him take the same regal attitude toward a Congress in which his party holds solid majorities in both houses

20. From 1891 he led the Conservative Party in the House of Commons, serving under his uncle, Lord Salisbury, whose government won large majorities in 1895 and 1900.

21. In 1987, the Single European Act came into force and the group began co-operating with the European People's Party (EPP) to secure the majorities needed under the cooperation procedure.

22. Young adults are particularly accepting of Cohabitation – 78% of those ages 18 to 29 say it’s acceptable for an unmarried couple to live together, even if they don’t plan to get married – but majorities across age groups share this view.

23. It has happened regularly throughout history that religious minorities have not been entitled to exercise the same rights as religious majorities, and this is still true today, with religious riots and other problems in India and on Ambon, and structural repression in Iran and Afghanistan.

Religiöse Konflikte und Vorfälle in Indien, auf Ambon, aber auch strukturelle Unterdrückung im Iran und in Afghanistan müssen beim Namen genannt werden. Wir stehen nicht hier, so hoffe ich doch, um ausschließlich für Christen einzutreten.