machine-dependant in Germany

machine-dependant [məʃiːndipendənt] geräteabhängig

Sentence patterns related to "machine-dependant"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "machine-dependant" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "machine-dependant", or refer to the context using the word "machine-dependant" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The dependent dependant cannot live independently.

2. The frequency and incidence is very age-dependant and chronic cardiac insufficiency has a high stage-dependant mortality.

Häufigkeit und Inzidenz sind stark altersabhängig, und die chronische Herzinsuffizienz hat stadienabhängig eine hohe Sterblichkeit.

3. I am little better than a dependant.

4. Host dependant, initial diagnos is is parasitic.

5. Independence is publishing is dependant on advertisers

6. These movements are dependant on accelerations (Power Spectral Density).

7. The value of widowers’ annuities is only slightly age dependant.

Der Anwartschaftsbarwert für Witwerrenten ist nur geringfügig vom Alter abhÄngig.

8. Married women receive only the basic pension as their husband's dependant.

9. A sick dog is as much a dependant as a sick child.

10. The amount that Anglerfish heal is dependant on the player's Hitpoints level

11. The word dependant will not be used in this way as a noun.

12. • the impairment restricts your dependant in one of the basic activities of daily living;

13. • Additional days for member/authorized dependant/Extended Family - 65% of the daily meal rate

14. A new alpha firing angle is calculated which is dependant upon the initial alpha firing angle.

15. Metal working machinery, in particular tapping machine, riveting machine, nut forming machine, screw machine, casting machine, drilling machine

Metallbearbeitungsmaschinen, insbesondere Gewindebohrmaschine, Nietmaschine, Gewindemutterpressmaschine, Schraubmaschine, Gießmaschine, Bohrmaschine

16. This class is both a labour and an exploiter time , both a builder and a dependant.

17. You are entitled to receive a government allowance for each dependant who is living with you.

18. The formation and the size of mushroom are dependant upon the cooling capacity of blowing gas.

19. A tax break for single income families and allow a dependant to earn more before penalties

20. Automat translate: machine, ATM, slot machine, robot, slot machine

21. Around the hips is a rich Cincture, and a double chain with dependant jewel encircles the neck

22. • your dependant is unable to perform one or more of the basic activities of daily living; or

23. Indeed, it is very likely that the process varies with the relationship between the carer and dependant.

24. Find out the conditions your dependant(s) must meet for you to be able to claim this amount.

25. Another important subdivision of the informal caring population must be made concerning the relationship between carer and dependant.