luminosity in Germany

luminosity [luːminɔsitiː] Leuchtkraft, Lichtstärke

Sentence patterns related to "luminosity"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "luminosity" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "luminosity", or refer to the context using the word "luminosity" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Luminosity: Betelgeuse is bright

2. For a few years its luminosity flared up to about 000 times the present-day luminosity of the Sun.

3. Specifies the luminosity of the selected custom color.

4. The candle is the basic unit of luminosity.

5. In both cases, the photopic luminosity curve is not shifted.

In diesen Fällen kann oft genug Weiß von spektralem Grün nicht unterschieden werden.

6. A light produced by a body heated to luminosity ; incandescence.

7. It will the further color and luminosity tweaking easier.

8. Its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun.

9. 22 synonyms for Brilliancy: brilliance, fire, luminosity, radiance, brilliance, fire, genius

10. These investigations of the sun's luminosity are not just intellectual curiosity.

11. The radius corresponding to the higher luminosity would be 2,850 R☉.

12. Ultrafine powder with a rosy tinge gives the skin warmth and luminosity.

13. Catherine could think of nothing of the kind , and Morris's luminosity seemed almost pitiless.

14. We also did some physics simulation works on the BES - III luminosity R & D .

15. HD 28185 is similar to our Sun in terms of mass, radius, and luminosity.

16. Its spectral type identifies it a red star with a high luminosity.

17. Mount Battie without losing its definition would take on a blue luminosity.

18. A luminosity that appears over swamps or marshes at night; ignis fatuus.

19. Its diameter is 30% of the Sun's, but its luminosity just 1.2% that of the Sun.

20. The rate of mass loss for luminous stars depends on the metallicity and luminosity.

21. Moravveji and colleagues calculate a luminosity for Rigel of 120,000 times that of the Sun.

22. Actually, the luminosity from a source of light decreases along with the square of the distance.

23. The expert recognises Ceylon sapphires the luminosity and brilliance of their light to medium blue colour.

24. The hotel's glass facade and architecture provide an intense luminosity, reflecting all colours of the Azores.

25. The Eddington limit is invoked to explain the observed luminosity of accreting black holes such as quasars.

26. 16 For example, some accretion disks in binary star systems occasionally undergo large, temporary increases in luminosity.

27. This creates a pronounced visual luminosity and shows up on the X-ray as strong white.

28. Although it has a lower luminosity than A, Alpha Centauri B emits more energy in the X-ray band.

Obwohl er weniger hell als Alpha Centauri A ist, strahlt Alpha Centauri B im Röntgenbereich des Spektrums mehr Energie ab.

29. That' s Yves Klein blue...... which is a luminosity that seems to emanate from the depths of the abyss

30. Airglow is defined as a luminosity or "glowing" given off by the Earth's own atmosphere

31. When astronomers want to answer those questions, they express the Brightnesses of these objects using the term "luminosity"

32. Achromat A person who cannot perceive colour or differentiate between any 2 colour samples, except based on luminosity differences

33. The galaxy color–magnitude diagram shows the relationship between absolute magnitude (a measure of luminosity) and mass of galaxies.

34. Its properties are uncertain, but the temperature is around 3,500 K and the luminosity over 100,000 L☉.

35. One system uses absolute magnitude, a measure of luminosity derived from the apparent magnitude, or brightness of the star seen from Earth.

Jedoch sammelt sich das restliche Helium über Milliarden von Jahren im Sternenkern. Hat sich genug Helium angehäuft, kann es sich ebenso Kernreaktionen unterziehen.

36. 23 The luminosity of the Sun in the early history of the Solar System was probably only about 70% of the present value.

37. Absolute magnitude (M) is a measure of the luminosity of a celestial object, on an inverse logarithmic astronomical magnitude scale

38. The cell luminosity factor was detected by flow cytometry, and the cell survival rate was calculated with trypan blue exclusion.

39. Meanwhile, the principle of negative exponent relation was detected between loading rate of WAF solution of ordinary lubricating oil and its relative luminosity.

40. A blue-white supergiant of spectral type B5Ia, Aludra has a luminosity 176,000 times and a diameter around 80 times that of the Sun.

41. It is the brightest star in Taurus constellation and the 14th brightest star in the night sky. Aldebaran has a luminosity

42. The moon was shining enough to give a ghostly luminosity to the buildings that crowded both sides of the narrow street.

43. Since most massive stars have luminosities far below the Eddington luminosity, their winds are mostly driven by the less intense line absorption.

44. When these caterpillars die, their luminosity may attract predators to the dead insect thus assisting in the dispersal of both bacteria and nematodes.

45. This is one scenario for producing high luminosity supernovae and is thought to be the cause of Type Ic hypernovae and long duration gamma-ray bursts.

46. This article analyses the causes of making projector's luminosity darkling and introduces their maintenance ranges and effect and brings forward their schemes of maintenance and their cost.

47. This 21ml tube of Cinereous Blue watercolor by Sennelier is made with triple-milled pigments for exceptional intensity and is formulated with honey providing incomparable brilliance and luminosity

48. In addition, stars may be classified by the luminosity effects found in their spectral lines, which correspond to their spatial size and is determined by their surface gravity.

49. We discussed the relations between the cross-sections in tree level (and one-loop corrected cross sections) and center-mass energy in the luminosity measuring ranges of GLC.

50. If all stars were the same luminosity—if they were like standard bulbs with the same light output—we could use the difference in their apparent Brightnesses to tell us