lingered in Germany

lingered [liŋgəd] nachgeklungen, verweilt, verweilte

Sentence patterns related to "lingered"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lingered" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lingered", or refer to the context using the word "lingered" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. She lingered over that bestseller.

2. The apprentice lingered his work.

3. We lingered over breakfast on the terrace.

4. Our happy chatter lingered in the schoolyard.

5. At this crucial moment, though, he lingered.

6. The scent of incense lingered in the air.

7. Formerly he often lingered around a park doing nothing.

8. Formerly he often lingered about a park doing nothing.

9. The smell of lavender lingered faintly in the room.

10. The faint smell of her perfume lingered in the room.

11. The smell of decay lingered in her nostrils.

12. The civil war lingered on well into the 1930s.

13. But a shifty, rather criminal smirk, lingered in her eyes.

14. The Latin-African language lingered on a while longer.

15. He lingered lovingly over the account of his exploits.

16. The scent of her perfume lingered on in the room.

17. 3 The smell of lavender lingered faintly in the room.

18. I lingered, on the pretext of finishing half a glass of champagne.

19. She lingered, watching them bundle up and go out the door.

20. The scrawny kitten lingered, brushing itself against our legs, and meowing plaintively.

21. Whereas summer still lingered in Florence, winter had already taken hold in Cramer.

22. 10 She lingered outside the theater to waylay him after the show.

23. She lingered over her meal, putting off the inevitable homecoming for just a little longer.

24. The wind had dropped and a cold whitish mist from the river lingered in patches.

25. The camera lingered on his face as he pursed his lips and nodded emphatically.

26. She lingered still beneath the rushlight, the mark on her finger drawing her eyes irresistibly.

27. Rostov stroked the horse on the neck and then on the haunch, and lingered on the steps.

28. 29 Here and there a few flakes of skin still lingered like the scurf of stars.

29. 15 Usually he lingered by the stream to throw in stones, but today he didn't stop.

30. For many, that crippling menage a trios – guilt, inhibition and shame, still lingered in the bedroom.

31. The mortally wounded soldier lingered on for a few days until at last he died.

32. A musk smell lingered on Groves' sleeve, from where the female snake had curled around his arm.

33. As the kiss lingered, she was made aware of his hardness as he pressed himself against her.

34. The chromium, used to prevent pipe corrosion, was released from 1951 until 19 but lingered in groundwater.

35. Shrapnel was recovered from the scene and the whiff of missile propellent lingered a few hours later.

36. After the play had finished, we lingered for a while in the bar hoping to catch sight of the actors.

37. The Church and democracy had fought a war for temporal power, the Church had lost, and the antagonism lingered.

38. All the other guests had gone home, but Cage lingered around as if she wanted to talk to me.

39. Only a few of Wolsey's men lingered, licking their chops, expecting to be tossed this last juicy morsel.

40. All the other guests had gone home, but Cage lingered about as if she wanted to talk to me.

41. But the question that lingered in my mind was, what causes people to destroy fire trucks headed to their own homes?

42. It was said than when Santa Theresa de Avila died, the smell of roses lingered in the convent for days.

43. Often I was awake and would quietly watch his lips move as he lingered in earnest supplication to Jehovah.

44. The smells lingered faintly to enchant the air even at this time of year, but the mystery of childhood had vanished.

45. In me the glory motive lingered sufficiently to prevent my contemplating a career as a cartographer or stamp dealer, despite those substantive interests.

46. And for almost a century, even as power transferred from Chiang’s Nationalists to Mao Zedong’s Communists, fear of “enemy” infiltration—the seedbed for fascism—lingered in China’s

47. Distaste about the alleged architect of Lockerbie's readmission into the world leaders' club lingered in many circles, not least among the US victims' families and their supporters.

48. When Lot lingered, the angels “in the compassion of Jehovah” took hold of him, his wife, and his daughters by the hand and led them out of the city.

49. By the time Japan and the United States entered the war two years later, they had mainly rid themselves of Biplanes but, even here, a few specialized types lingered on.

50. While doubts lingered about the ability of bond purchases to kick start a moribund economy, there was a sense in the market that the Fed was open to doing more if the recovery remains sluggish.