ligament in Germany

ligament [ligəmənt] Band, Ligament (Anatomie)

Sentence patterns related to "ligament"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ligament" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ligament", or refer to the context using the word "ligament" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Articulations Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL)

2. This ligament, called the suspensory ligament, makes an erection sturdy.

3. It marks the insertion of the Conoid ligament (which along with the trapezoid ligament) forms part of the coracoclavicular ligament complex.

4. The Conoid ligament is one of two components forming the coracoclavicular (CC) ligament.

5. Background: The anterior cruciate ligament is the most affected ligament in acute knee injuries.

Hintergrund: Bei Sportverletzungen ist das vordere Kreuzband (VKB) am häufigsten betroffen.

6. I've torn a ligament.

7. Ligament ruptures, haemorrhages, cysts and Bursitises […]

8. And then for that unstable ligament, we put in a human donor ligament to stabilize the knee.

9. You mean ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction.

Du meinst eine ulnare Seitenbandrekonstruktion.

10. Chris tore a ligament in his right elbow.

11. How to Identify the Coraco Humeral Ligament:

12. He's snapped a ligament in his knee.

13. Median Arcuate ligament syndrome: A hard diagnosis

14. His cruciate ligament is about to sever

15. 3 It is bridge ligament, man Friday.

16. Conoid ligament the posteromedial portion of the coracoclavicular ligament, extending from the coracoid process to the inferior surface of the clavicle

17. He tore a ligament in his left knee.

18. Median Arcuate ligament syndrome is a controversial entity

19. Incision of the adductor hallucis tendon from the fibular sesamoid, the lateral capsule, the lateral collateral ligament, and the lateral metatarsosesamoid ligament.

Tenotomie der Sehne des Caput transversum des Musculus adductor hallucis am lateralen Sesambein und Inzision der lateralen Kapsel des Großzehengrundgelenks und des lateralen Seitenbands sowie Durchtrennung des metatarsosesamoidalen Ligaments über einen dorsalen Zugang zwischen Metatarsale I (MT-I) und II (MT-II).

20. All patients benefit from a ring ligament reconstruction.

Alle Patienten profitieren von einer Ringbandrekonstruktion.

21. Given Mr. Jackson tore his anterior cruciate ligament...

22. Background: Median Arcuate ligament syndrome (MALS) describes the clinical presentation associated with direct compression of the celiac artery by the median Arcuate ligament

23. The Cementum gives attachment to the periodontal ligament fibers.

24. The ligament is composed of an amorphous protein, Abductin

25. The Cementum gives attachment to the periodontal ligament fibers

26. The Conoid ligament takes the shape of an inverted cone

27. Key Words: knee? anterior cruciate ligament? graft diameter? hamstring .

28. With increasing shoulder abduction, the length of the Conoid ligament gradually increased; meanwhile, the trapezoid ligament was relatively consistent and then lax at full abduction

29. This allows the doctor to see the transverse Carpal ligament

30. (The fibular collateral ligament is often considered with tibiofemoral components.)

31. After the game, she tearfully spoke of possible ligament damage.

32. Semenik tore the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee Saturday.

33. Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with bone–patellar tendon–bone Autograft has long been considered the graft preference for young, active patients with anterior cruciate ligament injuries

34. Origin Buccinator ridge of mandible, alveolar process of maxilla, pterygomandibular ligament

35. CD: coronal dentin PL: periodontal ligament C: cementum GS: gingival sulcus

36. Ligament stability of the knee does not correlate with age.

Die Stabilität des Kapselbandapparates nimmt mit zunehmenden Alter nicht ab.

37. Objective To study the mechanism of ossification of yellow ligament.

38. To the hospital for a check: posterior cruciate ligament tear!

39. Chrysoberyl ruled out Dubai world cup. He injured his Anular ligament

40. In summary, ligament instability is a common reason for revision TKA.

Zusammenfassend lässt sich feststellen, dass die ligamentäre Instabilität einen häufigen Revisionsgrund darstellt.

41. Restore the knee stability by ACL reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament.

Wiederherstellung der Kniestabilität durch die vordere Kreuzbandplastik.

42. Origin Buccinator ridge of mandible, alveolar process of maxilla, pterygomandibular ligament

43. She tore ligament in her ankle while she was playing squash.

44. When tested in accordance with Annex 5, paragraph 1. (Flexible lower legform to bumper), the absolute value of the maximum dynamic medial collateral ligament elongation at the knee shall not exceed 22 mm, and the maximum dynamic anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament elongation shall not exceed 13 mm.

45. When this occurs, the medial, or deltoid, ligament is stretched too much.

46. He at least was heartened that there was no ligament damage found.

47. When tested in accordance with paragraph 7.1.1. (flexible lower legform to bumper), the absolute value of the maximum dynamic medial collateral ligament elongation at the knee shall not exceed [22 mm], and the maximum dynamic anterior cruciate ligament and posterior cruciate ligament elongation shall not exceed [13 mm].

48. Coraco-acromial ligament: It connects the acromion process to the Coracoid process

49. Extensor mechanism and anterior cruciate ligament injuries can be identified using ultrasound.

Mittels Sonographie können Verletzungen der Streckapparates und des vorderen Kreuzbandes erkannt werden.

50. Jenkins is still suffering from the effects of an ankle ligament injury.