libel in Germany

libel [laibl] Beleidigung, Ehrenkränkung, Hohn, Klageschrift, Verleumdung, üble Nachrede

Sentence patterns related to "libel"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "libel" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "libel", or refer to the context using the word "libel" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The paper got clobbered for libel.

2. A synonym for Blacken is libel.

3. He sued the newspaper for libel.

4. The jury awarded libel damages of £000.

5. What is that compared to a libel action?

6. She threatened to sue the magazine for libel.

7. Warren sued him for libel over the remarks.

8. We read about the suit for libel

Wir haben von der verleumdungsklage gelesen

9. He sued several of his Antagonists for libel.

10. 14 This photograph is a libel on him.

11. Mr Warren sued him for libel over the remarks.

12. The ruling set a precedent for future libel cases.

13. You can throw a libel action against The Paper.

Gegen die " Zeitung " kannst du jederzeit privat klagen.

14. Miss James could not afford to sue for libel.

15. Punitive damages in libel cases are a legal anomaly.

16. You withdraw your libel action against Lord Queensberry.

17. Parizeau and Bouchard initiated an action in libel.

18. You must vindicate yourself and fight this libel.

19. You run that, and I will sue you for libel.

Wenn Sie das veröffentlichen, verklage ich Sie wegen Verleumdung.

20. Technicality Libel law has been allowed to become extremely complex.

21. To slander or libel: a reputation Bespattered by malicious gossip.

22. This is what made the Donovan libel action so daft.

23. 18 Courts in some states treat slander and libel differently.

24. ◦ b. the cause of action is libel or slander.

25. The sisters brought a libel action against the newspaper .

26. Canadian libel law is based on English common law.

27. The woman appeared before the judge on a charge of libel.

28. Grobbelaar later sued The Sun for libel and was awarded £85,000.

Später verklagte Grobbelaar die Sun auf Verleumdung und bekam 85.000 Pfund zugesprochen.

29. Excuse me for not wanting to be sued for libel, again.

Tut mir leid, wenn ich nicht wegen Verleumdung verklagt werden will, schon wieder mal!

30. 28 A countercharge of libel was made by the opposing counsel.

31. He sued for libel, but the case was eventually dismissed.

Er klagte wegen Verleumdung, aber der Fall wurde schließlich abgeschmettert.

32. And announced that it will sue the plaintiffs for libel.

33. The paper got clobbered with libel damages of half a million pounds.

34. The defendants in the libel case maintain that their allegations are true.

35. If you attack him by innuendo, you will be sued for libel.

36. Although Tudor faced innumerable lawsuits for libel, he could not be silenced.

Obwohl unzählige Verleumdungsklagen gegen Tudor erhoben wurden, konnte er nicht zum Schweigen gebracht werden.

37. Rutherford, Brother Russell laid a criminal charge of defamatory libel against Ross.

38. The cost of defending the libel action almost bankrupted the small magazine.

39. Another word for Backbite: slander, abuse, knock, rubbish, libel Collins English Thesaurus

40. For years now, I am a victim of slander, libel and threats.

Seit Jahren bin ich das Opfer von Verleumdung, üble Nachrede und Bedrohungen.

41. As a result of the fierce exchange, Robertson sued Campbell for libel.

Nach dem heftigen Schlagabtausch verklagte Robertson Campbell wegen Verleumdung.

42. He may even take legal action against those responsible for the libel.

Vielleicht geht er sogar gerichtlich gegen den Verleumder vor.

43. 28 What constitutional considerations apply in cases of libel or slander?

44. Libel plaintiffs are virtually obliged to go into the witness box.

45. Wilkes was eventually arrested for seditious libel but he fled to France to escape punishment; he was expelled from the House of Commons, and found guilty in absentia of blasphemy and libel.

46. Seems impossible that Gannett's actions would ever meet the legal standards for libel.

Was Gannett getan hat, entspricht nicht Verleumdung im rechtlichen Sinn.

47. His attempt to discredit his opponent boomeranged when he was charged with libel.

48. A libel action is being brought against the magazine that published the article.

49. The libel claim followed an article which insinuated that the President was lying.

50. She decided to sue for libel after the newspaper smeared her private life.