legal order in Germany

legal order [liːglɔːdər] Rechtsordnung

Sentence patterns related to "legal order"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "legal order" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "legal order", or refer to the context using the word "legal order" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The order that legislators peruse is to find self - evident t ruth and legal order.

2. Coerciveness does not appear as a separate condition for the validity of the legal order in legal positivism

3. As a new legal order different from general international law, European Community Law has established distinguishing rules, one of which is the doctrine of consistent interpretation.

4. Critical race theorists attack the very foundations of the [classical] liberal legal order, including equality theory, legal reasoning, Enlightenment rationalism and neutral principles of constitutional law

5. 64 On the one hand, it must be observed that a fundamental principle in the European Union legal order requires that a measure adopted by the public authorities shall not be applicable to those concerned before they have the opportunity to make themselves acquainted with it.

64 Zum einen ist darauf hinzuweisen, dass nach einem grundlegenden Prinzip der Unionsrechtsordnung ein hoheitlicher Rechtsakt den Bürgern nicht entgegengehalten werden darf, bevor sie die Möglichkeit haben, von diesem Rechtsakt Kenntnis zu nehmen.

6. Annul (16) Annul a plea, in law (1) Annul an amendment (1) Annul an edit (1) Annul by an authoritative act (1) Annul legally (1) Annul officially (1) Annul or repeal (1) Annul the middle of the week (1) Annul, as a driver`s license (1) Annul, as a law (1) Annul, as a legal order (1) Annul, as a license (1) Annul, as an indictment (1) Annul, in

7. Does Directive 2000/29/EC, as subsequently supplemented and amended, in particular Article 16(1) thereof, preclude, by use of the phrase ‘necessary measures to eradicate, or if that is impossible, inhibit the spread of the harmful organisms concerned’, the application of Article 6(2) of European Commission Decision 2015/789/EU, as implemented in the Italian legal order by Article 8(2) of the Decree of the Ministero delle politiche agricole alimentari e forestali, in so far as it provides for the immediate removal of host plants, regardless of their health status, within a radius of 100 metres around the plants which have been tested and found to be infected?

16 Abs. 1, wo von „erforderlichen Maßnahmen zur Tilgung oder, falls dies nicht möglich ist, zur Eindämmung der ... Schadorganismen“ die Rede ist, der Anwendung des Art. 6 Abs. 2 des Durchführungsbeschlusses (EU) 2015/789 der Europäischen Kommission, wie er durch Art. 8 Abs. 2 des Dekrets des Ministero delle politiche agricole alimentari e forestali in italienisches Recht umgesetzt wurde, entgegen, der die unverzügliche Entfernung der Wirtspflanzen unabhängig von ihrem Gesundheitszustand auf einer Fläche mit einem Radius von 100 Metern um die Pflanzen, die getestet wurden und befallen sind, vorsieht?