law on deposits of securities in Germany

[lɔːwʌndipɔzitsɔfsikjeəritiz] Depotgesetz

Sentence patterns related to "law on deposits of securities"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "law on deposits of securities" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "law on deposits of securities", or refer to the context using the word "law on deposits of securities" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Interest rate instruments: including trading of loans and advances, deposits and debt securities (held or issued);

Zinsinstrumente: einschließlich des Handels mit Darlehen und Krediten, Einlagen und Schuldverschreibungen (gehalten oder begeben);

2. 4 Net change in securities and deposits resulting from foreign currency funding activities of the Government.

3. b) Other Eligible Securities/Deposits Aggregate category limits (% of liquid reserves) 15 25 10 US$1.5 billion

4. In addition the share of deposits, securities maturing within 1 year and floating rate notes is 38 %.

Darüber hinaus beträgt der Anteil von Einlagen, Wertpapieren mit einer Restlaufzeit von einem Jahr sowie von Schuldverschreibungen mit variablen Zinssätzen 38 %.

5. Securities, including quoted shares, accounted for nearly half of this figure, and currency and deposits for one-third

6. More specifically , banks collect interest on loans and interest payments from the debt securities they own , and pay interest on deposits , and short-term borrowings .

7. All banks and securities dealers with a branch in Switzerland that accept preferential deposits are members of the association.

8. Other branches of public law include securities laws, labor laws, and antitrust laws.

9. Banks borrow money by accepting funds deposited on current accounts, by accepting term deposits, and by issuing debt securities such as banknotes and bonds.

10. Securities administration, namely, management of securities

Verwaltung von Wertpapieren, nämlich Management von Wertpapieren

11. — accrued interest on holdings of debt securities

— aufgelaufenen Zinsforderungen aus Beständen an Schuldverschreibungen,

12. of which: accrued interest on deposits

davon: aufgelaufene Zinsen auf Einlagen

13. Collateralizing Public Deposits GFOA recommends the use of a written agreement with pledging requirements as protection for state or local government's deposits. Depending on applicable state or federal law, public unit deposits may be secured by collateral or assets of abank or financial institution.

14. -on recent alluvial deposits,

-auf jüngeren alluvialen Ablagerungen oder

15. Assets, such as money market fund shares, bank time deposits and government securities, which are readily convertible into cash. This also ...

16. 100% guarantee on deposits, including accrued interest Covers foreign currency deposits and term deposits exceeding 5 years

17. The CepI curriculum focuses on the core disciplines of equity compensation: Accounting; Equity Plan Design, Analysis and Administration; Corporate and Securities Law; and Taxation

18. In 2011, he took on the job of chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), China's securities regulator.

19. accrued interest payable on deposits,

Verbindlichkeiten aus aufgelaufenen Zinsen auf Einlagen,

20. 4 Assets, such as money market fund shares, bank time deposits and government securities, which are readily convertible into cash. This also ...

21. 31 - Creditors (suppliers, customers, staff, State, subsidiaries, partners or shareholders, other creditors including deposits and securities received, and suspense and prepayment accounts)

31 - Verbindlichkeiten (Lieferanten, Kunden, Personal, Staat, Beteiligungsunternehmen, Teilhaber oder Aktionäre, sonstige Dritte und passive Rechnungsabgrenzungs- oder Ordnungskonten)

22. accrued interest payable on deposits

Verbindlichkeiten aus aufgelaufenen Zinsen auf Einlagen:

23. Intensifying law enforcement activities (especially in Kosovo), including searches, seizures and destruction of arms deposits and caches;



25. accrued interest receivable on deposits,

Forderungen aus aufgelaufenen Zinsen auf Einlagen,