laryngeal in Germany

laryngeal [lærindʒiːl] Kehlkopf

Sentence patterns related to "laryngeal"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "laryngeal" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "laryngeal", or refer to the context using the word "laryngeal" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. • Anaphylaxis with laryngeal edema (acute allergy)

2. Laryngeal Clefts are classified in one of four ways: Type I is the mildest form of laryngeal Cleft

3. YangoChiroptera is only species that use laryngeal echolocation.

4. ObjectiveTo investigate the relation between expression of MMP-9 and RECK in laryngeal carcinoma and it′s clinical characteristics and to explore the biological action of laryngeal tumor.

5. Mobilization of the fixated Arytenoid in the stenotic posterior laryngeal commissure

6. As for acute xerostomia, patients with laryngeal cancer were excluded from evaluation.

Bezüglich der Xerostomie wurden die Larynxkarzinompatienten von der Analyse ausgeschlossen.

7. 8 Metaplasia of laryngeal respiratory epithelium has occurred here in a smoker.

8. 12 The official name for the Adam's apple is the prominentia laryngeal.

9. Constrictor It involves a more extreme form of the laryngeal Constrictor just described

10. Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS) is a consequence of the shortened noses and skulls of these dogs and includes: 1) elongated and thickened soft palate; 2) stenotic nares and 3) everted laryngeal saccules/laryngeal collapse.

11. Acute airway obstruction is present with a laryngeal or tracheal position of the foreign body.

Akute Erstickungsgefahr besteht bei laryngealer und trachealer Lage des Fremdkörpers.

12. Pharyngeal and laryngeal involvement, usually associated with large infiltrating lesions, results in acute airways obstruction.

Ein Befall von Pharynx und Larynx, gewöhnlich im Zusammenhang mit ausgedehnten Infiltrationen, führt zur akuten Atemwegsobstruktion.

13. He was forced to retire in 1926 due to heart disease, and developed laryngeal cancer.

14. 10 Objective To investigate the clinical relevant factors causing laryngeal stenosis scar after vertical partical laryngectomy.

15. A particular challenge for the anesthesiologist is the use of HFJV during laryngeal laser surgery.

Eine besondere Herausforderung für den Anästhesisten bedeutet der Einsatz der HFJV bei der laryngealen Laserchirurgie.

16. Radiosensitivity of diploid laryngeal cancers, as compared with that of aneuploid ones, appears to be increased.

Die Radiosensibilität diploider Larynxkarzinomzellen scheint höher zu sein als in aneuploiden Zellen.

17. Objective : To study the fine distribution of the intramural lymphatics space in the laryngeal of rabbit.

18. 19 Our aim was to discuss the cause of laryngeal paralysis and the effect of arytenoid adduction.

19. Erythema, the third item, is graded two points for red Arytenoids and four points for diffuse laryngeal erythema

20. Castellated laryngofissure is a surgical procedure veterinary surgeons use to treat dogs with congenital or acquired laryngeal paralysis

21. 14 Objective: Our aim was to discuss the cause of laryngeal paralysis and the effect of arytenoid adduction.

22. Bradykinin-mediated angioedema (eg, laryngeal angioedema) may be life-threatening because of resistance to corticosteroids and antihistamine drugs

23. Most were minor and occurred before removal of the laryngeal mask airway during emergence in the recovery room.

24. It may also present as a post-cricoid malignancy which can be detected by loss of laryngeal crepitus.

25. Patients with advanced laryngeal carcinoma usually undergo total laryngectomy, a mutilating operation whose consequences are not only functional.

26. Arytenoid definition is - relating to or being either of two small laryngeal cartilages to which the vocal cords are attached.

27. Laryngeal mask insertion (LMI) represents a fundamental skill for anesthesiologists in routine management as well as in difficult airway situations.

Die Insertion einer Larynxmaske (LMI) stellt eine fundamentale Fähigkeit des Anästhesisten sowohl im Routinemanagement als auch im Rahmen einer schwierigen Atemwegssituation dar.

28. Baleen whales have a U-shaped fold of tissue between their lungs and their large inflatable organs called laryngeal sacs.

29. Aphonia ENT Complete speechlessness resulting from an inability to produce normal sounds due to organic–eg, laryngeal disease or mental cause.

30. 2 Sclerosis of the Arytenoids may be seen as an incidental finding, however, in patients who do not have laryngeal cancer

31. Arytenoid chondritis → loss of Arytenoid abduction → reduction in laryngeal luminal diameter → restricted airflow → reduced exercise capacity and inspiratory stridor at speed

32. • Laryngeal diphtheria most often represents an extension of pharyngeal infection and presents clinically as typical croup; acute airway obstruction may occur

33. We studied the effect of cricoid pressure applied with a yoke on 30 Anaesthetised patients examined fibreoptically through a laryngeal mask airway

34. A laryngeal Cleft can be associated with a variety of symptoms depending on the type of Cleft and the person's overall health

35. A primary cause of Aphonia is bilateral disruption of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, which supplies nearly all the muscles in the larynx.

36. Finally, by moving the laryngeal muscles between the cartilages, we can stretch and contract those folds to intuitively play our internal instruments.

37. The RLN Afferents may persist despite idio- pathic laryngeal paralysis or resection of a portion of the larynx, as with vertical partial laryngectomy

38. Methods The MIN in 50 cases of laryngeal cancer were detected by the methods of PCR- denature PAGE polymorphous markers BAT-26 and BAT-

39. ● Smoking is also a “major cause” of laryngeal, oral and esophageal cancers and is a “contributory factor” to bladder, kidney and pancreatic cancers

40. All these symptoms are further complicated by having fewer healthy laryngeal nerve endings, which reduces precise muscle control and causes breathy or rough voices.

41. Laryngoscopy revealed erythema of the Arytenoids, the interarytenoid area and the laryngeal surface of the epiglottis, along with mild edema of the true vocal cords

42. Acute trauma with laryngeal fracture is a rare injury affecting all functions of the larynx. Resuscitation follows the ABC principles for acute trauma life support.

Die dislozierte Larynxfraktur ist ein seltenes Ereignis, das sämtliche Larynxfunktionen beeinträchtigen kann.

43. Appendix testis, a vestigial remnant of the Müllerian duct; Epiploic Appendix, one of several small pouches of fat on the peritoneum along the colon and rectum Appendix of the laryngeal ventricle, a sac that extends from the laryngeal ventricle; MesoAppendix, the portion of the mesentery that connects the ileum to the vermiform Appendix

44. Bidis have been associated with cancer-causing effects on the body , including oral cancers , laryngeal, esophageal, and liver cancers , , lung cancer , , and stomach cancer

45. Airway hyperactivity is a potentially lethal complication of OPA use, because oropharyngeal and laryngeal reflexes can be stimulated by the placement of an artificial Airway

46. 19 Methods The MIN in 50 cases of laryngeal cancer were detected by the methods of PCR- denature PAGE polymorphous markers BAT-26 and BAT-

47. We present the case of a 60 year old male with a change in voice, bilateral Arytenoid swelling, which on further evaluation diagnosed as laryngeal tonsil.

48. The term Brachycephalic Syndrome refers to the combination of elongated soft palate, stenotic nares, and everted laryngeal saccules, all of which are commonly seen in these breeds.

49. 11 Also known as the laryngeal prominence, the Adam's apple sits right on top of the thyroid gland, so the area is fittingly called the thyroid cartilage.

50. The laryngeal mask causes anatomical alterations of cervical structures in the newborn and therefore its use for the airway management during jugular vein cannulation appears to be limited.

Der Luftkissenring der Larynxmaske führt beim Neugeborenen und jungen Säugling zu anatomischen Veränderungen der Halsstrukturen und ist somit keine ideale Atmungsprothese für die Allgemeinnarkose bei zentralvenöser Katheterisierung der V. jugularis interna.