jumped over in Germany

jumped over [dʒʌmptouvər] übersprang

Sentence patterns related to "jumped over"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "jumped over" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "jumped over", or refer to the context using the word "jumped over" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The horse jumped over the ditch.

2. The cow jumped over the moon.

3. The dog jumped over the stile.

4. He must've jumped over the fence again.

5. From a virtual standstill he jumped over.

6. He jumped over the wall with surprising agility.

7. 24 He jumped over the wall with surprising agility.

8. He felt a twinge in his knee as he jumped over the wall.

9. For centuries, newlywed couples have jumped over a Broomstick as part of their wedding ceremony

10. In 1716, a frightened horse jumped over the railing and carried its unfortunate rider to his death.

1716 sprang ein erschrecktes Reitpferd unverhofft über das Brückengeländer und riss den unglücklichen Reiter mit in den Tod.

11. Several prisoners jumped over the walls of the prison to escape the fire, but were reportedly shot at by prison guards.

12. THE CHEQUERS JAMES RUNCIMAN His boat was Astern, so he jumped over the counter and sculled himself straight to the Mission smack

13. Schumann jumped over the barbed wire while dropping his PPSh-41 submachine gun and was promptly driven away from the scene by the West Berlin police.

14. After Lost wrapped up, Josh Holloway jumped over to another genre series with USA’s Colony, and — not surprisingly — there was a whole lot more to the story that we never got to see.