jaw bone in Germany

jaw bone [dʒɔːboun] Kieferknoche

Sentence patterns related to "jaw bone"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "jaw bone" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "jaw bone", or refer to the context using the word "jaw bone" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The bill of Billfishes results from the specialization of the upper jaw bone.

2. Bacteria from periodontitis , which is severe gum disease , can also break down the jaw bone .

3. As a permanent fixture to the jaw bone the dental implants are anchored and the bone cells grow onto the implant.

Zahnimplantate werden dauerhaft im Kieferknochen verankert, bzw. wachsen mit dem Kieferknochen zusammen (Osseointegration).

4. The weapons used by the Arapahos included bows and arrows, stone ball clubs, jaw bone clubs, hatchet axe, spears, lances and knives

5. The angle is formed by the spinal plane and the line joining Condylare and Pogonion, both of which are shifted to the respective lower jaw bone tangents.

Der Autor schlägt für ihn die Bezeichnung “Diagonalwinkel” vor.

6. The anchoring part is provided with at least two substantially cylindrical elements whose center lines extend in the same direction. Said substantially cylindrical elements are monolithically joined together at top ends so as to form the abutment and can be inserted into corresponding bores in the jaw bone.

Hierbei wird vorgeschlagen, das Verankerungsteil mit mindestens zwei im Wesentlichen zylindrischen Körpern auszustatten, deren Mittelachsen sich in derselben Richtung erstrecken und die an Oberenden einstückig miteinander unter Bildung des Abutments verbunden sind und die in entsprechende Bohrungen im Kieferknochen einsetzbar sind.

7. The invention relates to a dental implant comprising an implant base and an apically arranged outer thread for screwing into a jaw bone as well as a post, arranged at the coronal end thereof, for receiving an abutment element, the post and the implant base being formed in one piece.

Die Erfindung bezieht sich auf ein Dentalimplantat umfassend ein Implantatskörper und ein apikal angeordnetes Aussengewinde zum Einschrauben in einen Kieferknochen sowie einen an seinem koronalen Ende angeordneten Pfosten zur Aufnahme eines Aufbauelements, wobei Pfosten und Implantatskörper einteilig ausgebildet sind.

8. Carpals: Shortl bones in hand near wrist: MetaCarpals: Miniture long bones in the hand: Tarsals: Short bones in the foot: Calcaneus: Heal bone: Sacrum: Fused vertebraes at the bottom of the spine: Coccyx: Tail bone: Zygomatic: Cheek bone: Mandible: Jaw bone: Maxilla: Bone that holds upper teeth: Frontal: Forehead: Occipital: Back of the head