investment fund in Germany

investment fund [investməntfʌnd] Investmentfonds

Sentence patterns related to "investment fund"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "investment fund" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "investment fund", or refer to the context using the word "investment fund" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. • European Investment Fund Advisory bodies:

2. His Excellency has mentioned the Joint Investment Fund.

3. • In addition, we are setting up India Infrastructure Investment Fund.

4. * In addition, we are setting up India Infrastructure Investment Fund.

5. Our efforts for early setting up of the Investment Fund of US Dollars 1 billion between National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF) and Russia Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) will help advance our infrastructure partnership.

6. Interest income from the Investment Fund accounted for 25.4% of total receipts by the Plan.

7. Memorandums of Understanding on Manpower and for establishing India-Oman Joint Investment Fund were signed.

8. During the visit we are hoping that a MoU will be signed between their investment fund and NIIF (National Infrastructure Investment Fund) that we have created on our side which is at an advanced stage of discussions.

9. • 21233 Interest Accrued on Special Non-Marketable Bonds Issued to Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Investment Fund

10. The fee also covers account and portfolio administration and commission on the acquisition of investment fund units.

Das Entgelt umfasst auch die Konto- und Depotführung sowie die Aufschläge für den Erwerb von Investmentanteilen an Fonds.

11. Payment is made in cash, after the investment fund repurchases participation units accumulated on the member’s account.

12. A Ghana Investment Fund would soon be established to provide additional financial resources to accredited local investors

13. Financial affairs, financial risk management, financial investment advisory services, financial investment fund services, financial investment management services

Finanzwesen, finanzielles Risikomanagement, Anlagenberatung, Investmentfonds, Vermögensverwaltung

14. Alternative investment fund managers shall be added to the sector to which they belong within the group.

Verwalter eines alternativen Investmentfonds werden innerhalb der Gruppe der Branche zugerechnet, der sie angehören.

15. — S2IEM: an alternative investment fund registered under French law and a Sicav vehicle managed by OFI Asset Management,

— S2IEM: von OFI Asset Management verwalteter alternativer Investmentfonds nach französischem Recht und SICAV.

16. Interest Accrued on Special Non-Marketable Bonds Issued to Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Investment Fund Department(s) Specific:

17. Pending further coordination of sectoral rules, Member States shall provide for the inclusion of alternative investment fund managers:

18. In South Africa, investment fund managers must be approved by, and register with, the Financial Services Board (FSB).

19. Airly is going to increase its staffing, as their investment fund from Marc Tech Investors is around $3.3 Million

20. No person, institution, or entity, including the Apiary Investment Fund, can guarantee a return on investment for such transactions

21. On 12 July 2013, the SIF regime was amended by the law on alternative investment fund managers (AIFM law).

22. The Chinese government pledged US$40 billion for the creation of the investment fund established on 29 December 2014.

23. Neither the Apiary Investment Fund nor its representatives will recommend the purchase, sale, or transaction advice for a specific security.

24. Created in March 2011, France Brevets is the first investment fund fully dedicated to patent promotion and monetization in Europe

25. Charlie co-founded Adjuvant Capital alongside colleagues from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Global Health Investment Fund

26. A Capped fund is a pooled investment fund that has imposed specified maximum limitations included on its investing or expense structure

27. OBSI accepts complaints from customers of some 500 financial providers, including banks, investment dealers, mutual fund dealers and investment fund companies.

28. UBS Investment Fund Management Co. , Ltd. announced on the adjustment of direct on-line platform for China Construction Bank roncador savings card purchase discount rate announcement.

29. Ci Ventures is an investment fund that provides loans to small- and medium-sized enterprises that operate in the forests, oceans and grasslands where Conservation International works

30. The Mission Investment Fund (MIF) is a ministry of the ELCA that makes loans to ELCA Congregations and related ministries for capital building projects and land purchases

31. Each affiliated Accend operating company and investment fund is designed as an enterprise reflecting shared vision and values, focused on better serving the needs and requirements of its

32. Carsten has worked as technical analyst for an aquaculture investment fund before launching Alimentos, overseeing various acquisitions of companies from the feed and aquaculture as well as tech space

33. Part of the funding will go toward the Armenian Social Investment Fund, which has financed more than 600 micro-infrastructure projects and help raise living standards in rural areas.

34. Almagest SICAV plc is a Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) established as an umbrella collective investment scheme with variable share capital registered under the laws of Malta, approved and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) under the AIFMD.

35. In addition, it provides Allocare AMS Web, an online request and reporting tool for Web-access to an existing Allocare AMS database from any location; and interfaces to custodian banks, market data providers, core banking/order routing systems, and investment/fund accounting systems.

36. Acumen (formerly known as Acumen Fund) is a non-profit impact investment fund with over 15 years’ experience in investing in social enterprises that serve low-income communities in developing countries across Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, Latin America, and the United States.

37. Antigua and Barbuda Authorizes Sputnik V Moscow, March 26, 2021 – The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF, Russia’s sovereign wealth fund) announces that the Russian Sputnik V vaccine against coronavirus has been approved by the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment of Antigua and Barbuda.

38. I acknowledge that Mrs Lulling sees things a bit differently in this respect, but I am reasonably confident that the future will show that her concern that Luxembourg's position as one of Europe's central investment fund centres could be damaged will prove to be unfounded, and that, on the contrary, this new UCITS directive could also provide opportunities for this financial centre.

Ich akzeptiere, dass Astrid Lulling hier zum Teil eine etwas andere Sicht der Dinge hat. Ich bin ziemlich zuversichtlich, dass die Zukunft zeigen wird, dass sich ihre Sorge, dass der Finanzplatz Luxemburg als einer der zentralen Investmentfondsplätze in Europa Schaden nehmen könnte, nicht bestätigen wird, sondern dass im Gegenteil diese neue OGAW-Richtlinie auch für diesen Finanzplatz Chancen bietet.

39. 37 Furthermore, funds which, without being collective investment undertakings within the meaning of the UCITS Directive, display characteristics identical to theirs and thus carry out the same transactions or, at least, display features that are sufficiently comparable for them to be in competition with such undertakings must also be regarded as special investment funds (see, to that effect, judgments in Abbey National, C‐169/04, EU:C:2006:289, paragraphs 53 to 56; JP Morgan Fleming Claverhouse Investment Trust and The Association of Investment Trust Companies, C‐363/05, EU:C:2007:391, paragraphs 48 to 51; Wheels Common Investment Fund Trustees and Others, C‐424/11, EU:C:2013:144, paragraph 24; and ATP PensionService, C‐464/12, EU:C:2014:139, paragraph 47).

37 Als Sondervermögen sind darüber hinaus auch Fonds anzusehen, die zwar keine Organismen für gemeinsame Anlagen im Sinne der OGAW‐Richtlinie darstellen, jedoch dieselben Merkmale aufweisen wie diese und somit dieselben Umsätze tätigen oder diesen zumindest so weit ähnlich sind, dass sie mit ihnen im Wettbewerb stehen (vgl. in diesem Sinne Urteile Abbey National, C‐169/04, EU:C:2006:289, Rn. 53 bis 56, JP Morgan Fleming Claverhouse Investment Trust und The Association of Investment Trust Companies, C‐363/05, EU:C:2007:391, Rn. 48 bis 51, Wheels Common Investment Fund Trustees u. a., C‐424/11, EU:C:2013:144, Rn. 24, und ATP PensionService, C‐464/12, EU:C:2014:139, Rn. 47).