interferon in Germany

interferon [intəfiərən] Interfero

Sentence patterns related to "interferon"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "interferon" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "interferon", or refer to the context using the word "interferon" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Recombinant adenovirus for simultaneously expressing pig interferon alpha and pig interferon gamma

2. A method for treating autoimmune diseases using alpha-interferon and/or beta-interferon

3. Interferons alpha and beta are classified as Type I interferons, and interferon gamma is a Type # interferon

Interferon alpha und beta bilden zusammen die Interferon-Klasse I, Interferon gamma gehört zur Interferon-Klasse

4. Interferon isn't an approved treatment for heavy metal toxicity, either.

5. We stopped the interferon when it started poisoning his liver.

6. The production of interferon is an important host defence mechanism.

7. “But the SARS-CoV-2 virus has anti-interferon genes which can stop or Antagonize the production or effect of interferon,” said Yuen, who measured the effects in human lung tissue

8. The oncologist invented a new kind of interferon to prevent cancer.

9. People with this disorder produce higher amounts of anti-interferon-gamma Autoantibodies.

10. Some success in interferon production by bacteria has recently been achieved by the recombinant DNA technique.

11. ed Viraferon # million IU solution for injection multidose pen interferon alfa-#b

12. For the media, interferon was a glamorous new arrival on the pharmaceutical scene.

13. Interferon alpha (IFN-α) and interferon beta (IFN-β) are naturally occurring cytokines, which belong to the type I interferons and share the same receptor leading to very similar therapeutic effects.

In der Augenheilkunde werden heutzutage überwiegend das Interferon alpha (IFN α) und das Interferon beta (IFN β) eingesetzt. Beide Substanzen gehören zu den Typ-I-Interferonen, die den gleichen Rezeptor nutzen und somit sehr ähnliche therapeutische Effekte auslösen.

14. Side effects of interferon alfa 2b/ribavirin therapy include flu-like symptoms, anemia, depression and alopecia.

15. • Preliminary in vitro data suggest activity of alpha-interferon against the SARS-related coronavirus.

16. 26 For the media, interferon was a glamorous new arrival on the pharmaceutical scene.

17. There is an emerging role for adjuvant interferon alpha in intermediate and high-risk melanoma.

Die adjuvante Verabreichung von Interferon gewinnt beim malignen Melanom an Bedeutung.

18. Our STING Agonist* is a small molecule that binds to the stimulator of interferon (IFN) genes (STING)

19. Infection causes the activation of interleukin, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and gamma-interferon through a triggering mechanism.

Die Infektion führt über einen Triggermechanismus zur Aktivierung von Interleukinen, Tumornekrosefaktor (TNF) α und γ-Interferon.

20. Interferon alpha, beta, gamma, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and their combinations are ineffective in advanced colorectal cancer.

Interferon alpha, beta, gamma sowie Tumornekrosefaktor alpha und deren Kombinationen sind beim fortgeschrittenen kolorektalen Karzinom unwirksam.

21. Treatment was carried out with local interferon α2b administration four or five times daily for several months.

Die Therapie erfolgte mittels Interferon-α2b-Augentropfen über mehrere Monate 4- bis 5-mal täglich.

22. The pharmacokinetic profile of AVONEX has been investigated indirectly with an assay that measures interferon antiviral activity

Das pharmakokinetische Profil von AVONEX wurde indirekt mit Hilfe eines Testverfahrens bestimmt, das die antivirale Interferon-Aktivität misst

23. Co-infection with hepatitis C and treatment with alpha interferon and ribavirin may constitute a special risk

Koinfektionen mit Hepatitis C sowie die Behandlung mit alpha-Interferon und Ribavirin stellen möglicherweise ein besonderes Risiko dar

24. Interferon was purified about 6000 fold from the allantoic fluid of embryonated chicken eggs infected with Influenza B Lee virus.

Interferon wurde aus der Allantois-Flüssigkeit von Hühnerembryos, welche mit Influenza B Lee-Viren infiziert worden waren, etwa 6000fach angereichert.

25. Patients co-infected with hepatitis C and treated with alpha interferon and ribavirin may constitute a special risk

Patienten mit einer Hepatitis-C-Koinfektion, die mit Interferon alpha und Ribavirin behandelt werden, stellen eine besondere Risikogruppe dar

26. Medical therapies include somatostatin analogs, interferon α, novel targeted therapies such as sunitinib and everolimus, and systemic chemotherapy.

Zu den verfügbaren Therapieoptionen gehören Somatostatinanaloga, Interferon α, neue molekular-zielgerichtete Therapien (z. B.

27. The authors describe the immunotherapy using alpha-interferon and interleukin-2 in patients with “High Risk“ malignant melanoma.

Es wird ein adjuvantes Therapiekonzept mit Interferon-alpha und Interleukin-2 bei Patienten mit „High Risk“ malignen Melanom vorgestellt.

28. Loss of viral replication by interferon can lead to a substantial regression of liver disease and probably prolonged survival.

29. 15 Many millions of dollars have flooded into new biotechnology companies in pursuit of interferon and other potential moneyspinners.

30. Therefore, the risk/benefit of the combined use of interferon alfa-#b and ribavirin should be assessed in young children prior lp

Daher ist eine Risiko/Nutzen-Abschätzung der kombinierten Anwendung von Interferon alfa-#b und Ribavirin bei kleinen Kindern vor Therapiebeginn vorzunehmen

31. A relation between liver failure and interferon alfa seems probable in the patients who did not have hepatic decompensation before treatment.

32. Cytokine definition is - any of a class of immunoregulatory proteins (such as interleukin or interferon) that are secreted by cells especially of the immune system

33. Acute hypersensitivity reactions (e. g., urticaria, angioedema, bronchoconstriction, anaphylaxis) to interferon alfa-#b have been observed rarely during IntronA therapy

Akute Überempfindlichkeitsreaktionen (z.B.Urtikaria, Angioödem, Bronchokonstriktion, Anaphylaxie) gegenüber Interferon alfa-#b wurden bei einer Behandlung mit IntronA selten beobachtet

34. While interferon production was certainly induced by this compound its efficacy in treating viral infections bas so far been disappointing.

35. In vitro effects of Benzophenone-2 and octyl-methoxycinnamate on the production of interferon-gamma and interleukin-10 by murine splenocytes.

36. Background Autoantibody to interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) has been reported to be associated with adult-onset immunodeficiency in patients from Asian countries

37. Interferon alpha-2a may also be an effective alternative treatment, particularly for the genital and oral ulcers as well as ocular lesions.

38. They are also useful together with interferon therapy and chemotherapy in anticancer and antitumor therapies, and in combination with actinomycin D in the treatment of tumor-bearing mammals.

39. The safety and efficacy of this combination have been established only using ribavirin capsules together with peginterferon alfa-#b or interferon alfa-#b solution for injection

Die Unbedenklichkeit und Wirksamkeit dieser Kombination wurde nur für Ribavirin Kapseln zusammen mit Peginterferon alfa-#b oder Interferon alfa-#b-Injektionslösung nachgewiesen

40. The gamma-interferon test is the most promising of these, and is used under practical field conditions as an adjunct to the tuberculin test in herds.

Der Gamma-Interferon-Test ist hier der erfolgversprechendste Ansatz, er wird in der Praxis bereits als Ergänzung zur Tuberkulinprobe bei Viehbeständen eingesetzt.

41. The very young There are two classes of tests commonly used to identify patients with latent tuberculosis: tuberculin skin tests and IFN-γ (Interferon-gamma) tests.

42. Medical Definition of Bioreactor : a device or apparatus in which living organisms and especially bacteria synthesize useful substances (as interferon) or break down harmful ones (as in sewage)

43. We evaluated the safety, efficacy and tolerability of standard interferon-alpha in an accelerating dose regimen in combination with ribavirin in patients with HCV-induced liver cirrhosis and thrombocytopenia.

Wir untersuchten Effektivität und Verträglichkeit einer Therapie mit standard Interferon-alpha/Ribavirin in einschleichender Dosierung bei Patienten mit HCV-induzierter Leberzirrhose und Thrombopenie.

44. Copaxone (glatiramer acetate) is an immunomodulator used to reduce the frequency of relapses in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS).It is not an interferon, but may be grouped with interferon Betas Avonex and Betaseron; together the three first-line treatments are sometimes known as the "ABC" drugs for MS.The exact mechanism of action of Copaxone in patients with MS is unknown.

45. Casanova found that the boy's blood cells failed to produce an important immune signaling molecule, type I interferon, when challenged with the virus in a laboratory flask.

46. The present invention relates to a recombinant virus inhibiting foot-and-mouth disease virus, and more specifically, to a recombinant adenovirus for simultaneously expressing pig interferon alpha and gamma through the insertion of foot-and-mouth disease virus 2A gene so as to allow pig interferon alpha and gamma to be treated at one time, thereby increasing inhibitory effects for foot-and-mouth disease virus.

47. Interferon‐γ Biphasically regulates angiotensinogen expression via a JAK‐STAT pathway and suppressor of cytokine signaling 1 (SOCS1) in renal proximal tubular cells - Satou - 2012 - The FASEB Journal - Wiley Online Library

48. 12 hours ago · Acriflavine is traditionally employed as a topical antiseptic, though has more recently been implicated as an Antiviral agent at low doses, potentially by stimulating the production of interferon.

49. Thirdly, the interferon does not act upon the invading virus in the way an antibody acts upon an antigen, but upon the body’s cells themselves, enabling them to neutralize the effect of the virus.

50. In addition, HPV L1 VLPs formulated on Aahs also induced a substantial interferon-gamma secreting T cell response to L1 peptides indicating the potential for an enhanced memory response to this antigen