instantaneous in Germany

instantaneous [instənteiniəs] augenblicklich, momentan, sofort, unverzüglich

Sentence patterns related to "instantaneous"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "instantaneous" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "instantaneous", or refer to the context using the word "instantaneous" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. He had an instantaneous response.

2. Now news is instantaneous.

3. Her death was almost instantaneous.

4. Correction of instantaneous vehicle altitude data

Korrektur der momentanen Fahrzeughöhendaten

5. There is no magical or instantaneous cure.

6. This addiction appears to be almost instantaneous.

7. Fortunately for him, his death was instantaneous.

8. is the instantaneous excess air ratio

9. Water heaters, instantaneous or storage, non-electric

10. Death from a massive heart attack was almost instantaneous.

11. Arousal states for clients 1 and 6 were instantaneous.

12. The system provides instantaneous online guest room security control.

13. She accidentally swallowed the poison and death was instantaneous.

14. Alcoholdom Enjoy instantaneous preview of its photo gallery

15. instantaneous intake air mass flow rate [kg/s]

momentaner Massendurchsatz der Ansaugluft (kg/s)

16. Instantaneous water heaters, small and suspended storage tanks

Durchlauferhitzer, Klein- und Hängespeicher

17. Short-term fuel trim refers to dynamic or instantaneous adjustments.

Die kurzfristige Korrektur der jeweiligen Kraftstoffeigenschaften besteht in dynamischen oder momentanen Anpassungen.

18. Death was instantaneous because both bullets hit the heart.

19. Method for instantaneous acoustical logging in a bore well

20. The instantaneous altitude data shall be checked for completeness.

Die Daten zur momentanen Fahrzeughöhe sind auf Vollständigkeit zu prüfen.

21. All instantaneous heaters are run from the rising main.

22. The response was instantaneous, then she was ashamed at her reaction.

23. Average ambient conditions (as calculated from the instantaneous measured data)

Durchschnittliche Umgebungsbedingungen (wie aus den momentan gemessenen Werten errechnet)

24. Cadaveric Spasm (Instantaneous Rigor, Death Clutch, & Cataleptic Rigidity) Definition

25. Human's value, is suffering the enticement one instantaneous to decide.

26. 3 The system provides instantaneous online guest room security control.

27. The transformation from faithful guard-dog to quivering glutton was almost instantaneous.

28. Amp pages can be cached for near instantaneous loading on the web

29. And the effect of this sudden, almost instantaneous blast of self-recognition?

30. A device that senses and stores the instantaneous value of an analog signal.

31. The switching is instantaneous so that there are no breaks in playback.

32. Behalf offers you up to $50,000 of instantaneous business funding to pay your invoices

33. Instantaneous access and the ease of reproduction make geographical boundaries inadequate benchmarks of protection.

34. Instantaneous frequency measurement(DIFM) receiver is one of important component part of EW system.

35. Method for determining the instantaneous position of an acoustics section of a towed antenna

Verfahren zum bestimmen der momentanen position ainer akustiksektion einer schleppantenne

36. Gestalt therapy and instantaneous technology of psychological consultation and therapy also do the.

37. ‘short-term fuel trim’ refers to dynamic or instantaneous adjustments to the base fuel schedule;

„kurzfristige Gemischregelung“ sind dynamische oder augenblickliche Anpassungen der Grundeinstellung der Kraftstoff- und Luftzufuhr;

38. Electromagnetic trip is key element of low voltage circuit breaker used for instantaneous current protection.

39. We will see more of this type of automated and instantaneous feedback in Workplace 2000.

40. Since the Earth's instantaneous velocity around the Sun is much greater than the Moon's instantaneous velocity around the Earth, we don't get any of the closed "Curlicues" I expected to see

41. The Commission has never expected that the adaptation process to the euro would be instantaneous.

Die Kommission hat nicht erwartet, dass die Anpassung an den Euro im Nu bewerkstelligt sein würde.

42. From these components the instantaneous impulse directions and the take-off angle can be calculated.

Aus diesen Komponenten lassen sich Endimpulsrichtung (Absprungwinkel) und momentane Impulsrichtung errechnen.

43. At Eschede the almost instantaneous dissipation of kinetic energy was bound to cause massive damage.

44. When the Acceleration is constant, the average Acceleration and the instantaneous Acceleration are equal

45. This measure refers to growth over an interval, while G is an instantaneous measure.

46. 8 Electromagnetic trip is key element of low voltage circuit breaker used for instantaneous current protection.

47. Controllability (uniform, instantaneous, di®erential) all of which become equivalent for linear time invariant systems

48. Caking mechanism: Drying Physical process: Instantaneous cohesion can increase by multiple orders of magnitude with drying

49. The 'permanent' connection to the capacitor in a PSC motor means that changing rotation is instantaneous.

50. 12 At Eschede the almost instantaneous dissipation of kinetic energy was bound to cause massive damage.