initial stage in Germany

initial stage [iniʃlsteidʒ] Anfangsstadium

Sentence patterns related to "initial stage"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "initial stage" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "initial stage", or refer to the context using the word "initial stage" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Decomposition products in the initial stage show mainly NO2 gas and picric acid.

Zersetzungsprodukte des einleitenden Schrittes sind hauptsächlich NO2 Gas und Pikrinsäure.

2. An Argumentative essay outline is an initial stage of writing articles, essays, and other types of papers

3. In the initial stage of development, the Blastomeres adhere to each other in a mass called a morula.

4. The initial stage of activity includes using the workspace solution in three industry sectors: consulting, telecommunications and engineering.

Die Anfangsphase der Maßnahme umfasst den Einsatz der Workspace-Lösung in drei verschiedenen Industriesektoren: Unternehmensberatung, Telekommunikation und Ingenieurwesen.

5. Mucosal hypertrophy—i.e. increase of villus height, crypt length and mitotic activity—is the initial stage of this process.

Sie wird begleitet von einer gesteigerten mitotischen Aktivität als Folge erhöhter Zellexfoliation an der Zottenspitze.

6. Scattering of thermal radiation from fire by water mist and the effects of breakup and coalescence of droplets at initial stage are also studied.

7. Coinage of India began anywhere between early 1st millennium BCE to the 6th century BCE, and consisted mainly of copper and silver coins in its initial stage

8. But the initial stage that develops in the computer, what software serves as hardware is appurtenant article, although important but the industry that did not make an independence.

9. The initial stage of this trial will treat approximately 25 AF patients at three U.S. centers, with enrolment completed by the end of the second quarter of calendar 2005.

10. Even developed in the future, a comprehensive well-off society, beyond the initial stage, thriftiness , and hard-working spirit and norms can not be discarded, otherwise it from vigor to decline.

11. Avitaminosis symptoms have the following - in the initial stage, the sensitivity of the cornea decreases and the dystrophic changes slowly build up, the normal gloss and humidity of the surface disappear

12. The finance lease, as a kind of new-type financing way, has already formed a relatively independent financial leasing industry since appearing in our country on the initial stage of 1980's.

13. Out of the remaining boats, three boats were submerged at the initial stage, one has been abandoned by the salvage team and fifteen boats are completely damaged and are likely to be abandoned.

14. Coli survival (in Cowpats) as a two-stage process, in which the initial stage was due to growth, inactivation or stationary state of the population and the second stage was the approximately first-order inactivation.

15. Chiefdoms were practically ignored in the studies of early states for the simple reason that the initial stage of the “inchoate early state,” as conceived by Claessen and Skalník, virtually overlapped with that of the chiefdom

16. Following discussions with the FDA, CryoCath intends to use the data from this initial stage of the trial and ongoing European data to apply for U.S. regulatory approval to commence the pivotal stage of this IDE study for the treatment of AF.

17. As all other possible influences were excluded, the authors think that the results of this experiment confirm that in the initial stage of vibration damage to the peripheral nervous system the vessel component is an important factor leading to ischemic neuropathy due to acral ischemia.

Da alle underen eventuellen Einflasse ausgeschlossen waren, sind die Autoren der Meinung, daß die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit bestätigen, daß im Anfangsstadium der Vibrationsschaden auf dem peripheren Nervensystem die Gefäßkomponente ein bedeutsamer Faktor ist, der durch akrale Ischämisierung zu einer ischämischen Neuropathie führt.

18. Therefore, the present invention can prevent misreading, as knocking, an increase in engine noise, which is due to unstable combustion in the initial stage of engine driving, and which is not the generation of knocking due to an abnormality of the engine such as a cold start.

19. Although uranium-238 cannot be used for the initial stage of an Atomic bomb, when it absorbs a neutron, it becomes uranium-239 which decays into neptunium-239, and finally the relatively stable plutonium-239, which is fissile like uranium-235.After Fermi achieved the world's first sustained and controlled nuclear chain reaction with the creation of the first Atomic pile, massive reactors were

20. The difference between dating and Courting is that “dating” doesn’t focus on any stage of a relationship between two people, while “Courting” is about the most initial stage of a relationship, during which two people get to know each other, they do their best to spend as much time together as possible to make sure that they have made the right choice in terms of choosing a partner.

21. At the state level, in the period from 2004 to the present, eight of the 32 federal entities have carried out reforms to their legislation and have begun to implement the new accusatory system of criminal justice in our country, namely: Baja California, Chihuahua, Durango, State of Mexico, Morelos, Nuevo León, Oaxaca and Zacatecas; four have already introduced legal reforms and will begin implementing them in 2011: Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Yucatán and Puebla; 13 federal entities are in the planning phase: Campeche, Chiapas, Colima, Distrito Federal , Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoacán, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, Sonora, Tabasco, Tamaulipas and Tlaxcala; while seven federal entities are at the initial stage of implementation, showing some progress in the planning phase and isolated institutional efforts: Aguascalientes, Baja California Sur, Coahuila, Nayarit, Quintana Roo, Sinaloa and Veracruz.