infiltrated in Germany

infiltrated [infiltreitid] eingedrungen, sickerte durch

Sentence patterns related to "infiltrated"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "infiltrated" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "infiltrated", or refer to the context using the word "infiltrated" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. I infiltrated the enemy.

Ich habe den Feind unterwandert.

2. Zaheer infiltrated the air temple.

3. They've infiltrated our power plant.

4. Activists had infiltrated the student movement.

5. For 14 months you've infiltrated Alphonse.

6. The blood has infiltrated into the tissue.

7. 2 Rebel forces were infiltrated into the country.

8. The headquarters had been infiltrated by enemy spies.

9. The CIA agents successfully infiltrated into the terrorist organizations.

10. Some countries have infiltrated their agents into the Republic.

11. The Chancellor is aware he was infiltrated weeks ago.

12. Greek culture and philosophy had infiltrated Jewish religious teachings.



14. 17 CIA agents infiltrated the group, looking for alleged subversives.

15. 1 The CIA agents successfully infiltrated into the terrorist organizations.

16. Some of us lucky ones who spoke Chiricahua infiltrated the village.

17. The camp was thoroughly infiltrated before an alarm could be sounded.

18. 30 Two undercover officers purporting to be dealers infiltrated the gang.

19. After all, in 1963 it had thoroughly infiltrated Chambliss' Klan group.

20. The operation was infiltrated by the Gestapo, the German secret police.

21. The street protests had been infiltrated by people bent on violence.

22. We've infiltrated the militant activists - but haven't come across these methods.

23. The ranks of volunteers were infiltrated by actors told to play selfishly.

24. An associated socalled „Wucheratrophie“ of the infiltrated adipose tissue is often seen.

Wucheratrophie des von ihm infiltrierten Fettgewebes einhergeht.

25. The committee was heavily infiltrated by the Tsarist secret police, the Okhrana.

26. Of course, as with science, damaging falsehoods and practices have infiltrated religion.

27. However, Kenyan secret police infiltrated these groups and many members moved into exile.

28. The rejuvenated storm soon began to lose convection, as dry air infiltrated the system.

Der Sturm begann bald die Konvektion zu verlieren, da trockene Luft in das System eindrang.

29. The latter even infiltrated congregations by feigning interest in the truth and learning theocratic terms.

30. In 1910, he attempted to break up revolutionary rings that infiltrated his 21st Mixed Brigade.

31. The apostles warned against “false brothers” who infiltrated the congregations. —2Co 11:26; Ga 2:4.

32. The tumor infiltrated into the pericardium, causing a tear in the outer muscle of the heart.

33. The macropores of the template are infiltrated with the precursor substance in dissolved or melted form.

Die Makroporen des Templats werden mit der Vorläufersubstanz in gelöster oder geschmolzener Form infiltriert.

34. Vice has even infiltrated computer networks, giving many young people and others access to pornographic material

35. The high-purity phosphor is a host lattice infiltrated by a dopant that activates luminescent properties therein.

36. Histopathological findings are characterised by enlarged lymph nodes and spleen, pleuritis and fibrinous pericarditis and infiltrated pneumonitis.

Histopathologische Befunde zeigen vergrößerte Lymphknoten und Milz, Pleuritis und fibrinöse Perikarditis und Pneumonitis mit Infiltration.

37. Deceptive elements infiltrated the congregations and, with clever, specious arguments, slowly undermined the zeal of many members.

38. Histopathological findings are characterised by enlarged lymph nodes and spleen, pleuritis and fibrinous pericarditis and infiltrated pneumonitis

39. June 2: Senator Joseph McCarthy claims that communists have infiltrated the CIA and the atomic weapons industry.

40. The piston has a carbon matrix which is infiltrated by a light metal or a light metal alloy.

Der Kolben weist eine Kohlenstoffmatrix auf, die durch ein Leichtmetall oder eine Leichtmetalllegierung infiltriert ist.

41. Before, it was dumped and left in the furnace sludge basins, from where it infiltrated and polluted the soil.

Zuvor wurde er deponiert und im Hochofenschlammbecken gelassen, von dem aus er in den Boden eindrang und diesen verschmutzte.

42. A small group of neo-Nazis have infiltrated the ranks. We must weed them out as soon as possible.

43. Most of the solutions which infiltrated the salt deposits from outside are later squeezed out into the adjacent rocks.

44. One other foreign influence infiltrated China, yet failed to be absorbed and was lost in the massive embrace of China’s populace.

45. Then Gilroy shows how these innovations have infiltrated the modern entertainment economy, especially the parts of it concerned with selling blackness.

46. Two weeks after learning these details, Harry, Ron, and Hermione infiltrated the Ministry of Magic, where Umbridge worked, and stole the locket.

47. The surface epithelium of the respiratory tract, including the lymphoepithelium of Balt, is described, with emphasis on infiltrated nonepithelial cells (lymphocytes, macrophages)

48. This new technique measures both the amount of infiltrated T lymphocytes and their Clonality, which is the diversity of lymphocytes that recognize different targets.

49. Antifascists LCRW spoke to have infiltrated the far-right crowd and claim many of them have the personal phone numbers of specific local police officers

50. When the rock mass began to rise, the gas infiltrated the reefs and reacted with air and fresh, oxygenated underground water to form sulfuric acid.

Als sich die Gesteinsmasse hob, durchströmte das Gas die Riffe, reagierte mit der Luft und dem frischen, mit Sauerstoff angereicherten Grundwasser und bildete dabei Schwefelsäure.