individual case in Germany

individual case [individʒeəlkeis] Einzelfall

Sentence patterns related to "individual case"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "individual case" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "individual case", or refer to the context using the word "individual case" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. We try to achieve the best outcome for our clients given each individual case.

2. 11 Individual case can not give side having sheet or paresis of double flank nerve.

3. Multidisciplinary input to an individual case brought greater flexibility and creativity in designing care packages.

4. However, the decision for a wound closure technique should be made based on the individual case.

Die Wahl der Wundverschluß-Technik sollte von der jeweiligen OPSituation abhängig gemacht werden.

5. Methods: The data research, individual case investigation, expert interview the and method of SWOT were used.

6. The admission of a tenant already showing signs of dementia requires very careful consideration in the individual case.

7. The easiest and least consequential grounds for voting to Acquit would emphasize the facts and evidence of this individual case

8. In applying these general rules, the courts look at each individual case in light of whatever state statute may apply.

9. 30 They emphasised that it was the circumstances of the individual case which led them to reject charges of degrading or inhuman treatment.

10. Individual case—the Blamability of bribe-taking corruption is defeasible—but the burden of persuasion is on the person who wants to redeem the act

11. However, the Committee thinks it would be desirable to have some general, abstract regulations, whose content went beyond being simply a collection of individual case decisions.

Wünschenswert aus Sicht des Ausschusses sind jedoch Grundregeln, die einen über die Sammlung von Einzelfallentscheidungen hinausgehenden Regelungsgehalt aufweisen.

12. Adjudicative Guidelines nor this desktop reference provides specific thresholds which tell the adjudicator when to approve or disapp rove access to classified information in any individual case

13. Under per se prohibitions certain abstractly defined commercial practices are prohibited in principle without a court being able to examine the effects on consumers or competitors in the individual case.

Durch Per-se-Verbote würden bestimmte abstrakt umschriebene Geschäftspraktiken grundsätzlich verboten, ohne dass ein Gericht im Einzelfall die Auswirkungen auf Verbraucher oder Mitbewerber prüfen könnte.

14. We previously explored Automimicry assuming that a species of prey was so unpalatable as to promote conditioned avoidance for a period of time after a predator encountered a single individual (Case 1)

15. Definition of Casework : social work involving direct consideration of the problems, needs, and adjustments of the individual case (such as a person or family) Other Words from Casework Example Sentences Learn More about Casework Other Words from Casework

16. Therefore, these are conditions in which pregnancy is still absolutely contraindicated and a patient should be counselled to terminate the pregnancy. The risk of an inherited recurrence of a congenital heart disease is difficult to assess in an individual case because the majority of cardiac malformations are caused by multi-factored variables.

Trotz aller Fortschritte in der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit bei der Schwangerschaftsbetreuung von Herzfehlerpatientinnen besteht ein vitales Risiko für Patientinnen mit pulmonaler Hypertonie, mit schwerer subvalvulärer, valvulärer oder supravalvulärer Linksherzobstruktion und mit Marfan-Syndrom.

17. 19.7 EBM is often too Abstractionistic 19.8 EBM as appeal to authority fallacy 19.9 EBM and the individual case and context 19.10 Uncritical use of EBM and clinical experience 19.11 EBM often excludes relevant causes and variables 19.12 EBM has limited self-criticism 19.13 EBM and psychiatry 19.14 EBM and human emotions 19.15 EBM and ethics

18. The foregoing decision indicates that the relevant paragraph of article # establishes personal grounds for setting the penalty aside and that it is not a discretionary power on the part of the judge, inasmuch as the judge must take certain requirements into account in order to make a decision in each individual case: “In the paragraph in question, the legislator has created what is called in legal doctrine an absolving excuse, or genuine grounds for legal impunity; it abandons the strict adherence to the formal requirement that the commission of the offence and determination of responsibility must result in the penalization of the author of the offence, and allows the judge, after analysing the circumstances of the specific case at hand, to decide upon whether the penalty is to be set aside if certain specific requirements are met”