impressed in Germany

impressed [imprest] aufgedrückt, beeindruckte, eingeprägt

Sentence patterns related to "impressed"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "impressed" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "impressed", or refer to the context using the word "impressed" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Multitudes were impressed.

2. I'm not very impressed.

3. Various scholars were impressed.

4. His sincerity impressed her.

5. The director was impressed.

6. I'm impressed you're alive.

7. His work really impressed me.

8. He really impressed me then.

9. Their kindness really impressed me.

10. I hope the caller was impressed.

11. Her Ardor for basketball impressed me

12. This correction greatly impressed Master Wills.

13. Her liveliness and wit impressed him.

14. I was deeply impressed and humbled.

15. He impressed her with his sincerity.

16. How easily impressed you are, Ramon.

17. ‘If You Are Impressed Into Service’

18. Viewers are impressed nifty special effects.

19. Young boys, deeply impressed, began praising him.

20. 24 His vigour and passion impressed me.

21. How impressed he was with that vision!

22. She was suitably impressed with the painting.

23. Explore Cracow Look around and be impressed

24. Dale was Chagrined that she wasn't impressed

25. My mother’s conduct also deeply impressed me.

26. Dale was chagrined that she wasn't impressed.

27. We weren't overly impressed with the movie.

28. Samuel was impressed by Eliab’s physical stature.

29. We were most impressed with your efficiency.

30. He impressed no one by his bluster.

31. The design was impressed on the cloth.

32. I was impressed with his deep sincerity.

33. — Kathleen McAuliffe I was amazed, impressed, Appalled, …

34. He had been impressed by their demeanor.

35. This lesson is impressed on my mind.

36. What impressed him most was their speed.

37. He impressed us with his great ability.

38. He impressed me as an honest person.

39. 'He's a lawyer?' Mum looked suitably impressed .

40. We were most impressed with/by your efficiency.

41. I was very impressed with his clever retort.

42. I suppose I was impressed by his seniority.

43. I am not overly impressed by his work.

44. The document impressed me with its elegant simplicity.

45. 5 I was impressed by these untamed people.

46. Most importantly, your friends will be very impressed

47. 3 I was impressed by her calm mien.

48. We were very impressed with the machine's ergonomics.

49. Anne Bolsover was most impressed with the batik.

50. His words are strongly impressed on my memory.