i heard it this morning on the radio. in Germany

[aihəːditðaizmɔːniŋwʌnðreidiəə] Ich habe es heute morgen im Radio gehört.

Sentence patterns related to "i heard it this morning on the radio."

Below are sample sentences containing the word "i heard it this morning on the radio." from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "i heard it this morning on the radio.", or refer to the context using the word "i heard it this morning on the radio." in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. I heard it on the radio.

2. I heard about it on the radio.

3. I heard this song on the radio and I've been whistling it all day.

4. I heard the news on the radio.

5. I heard the alarm clock bleeping this morning.

6. I heard his alarm clock bleeping this morning.

7. I heard such a funny story this morning.

8. Major, I heard something funny on the Honolulu radio.

9. I heard something rather worrying at work this morning.

10. Was that you I heard warbling in the bathroom this morning?

11. At one point, I heard my parents listening to the radio on the Sabbath and I smashed it."

12. 9 I've heard it played countless times on the radio.

13. I listen to the radio in the morning.

14. This morning I heard him do pushups and then talk to his triceps.

15. This morning I heard a song all the way from Qarth beyond the Red Waste.

16. I heard it on the PA.

17. I heard it on the wireless.

18. I was only mildly interested in the report I heard from radio.

19. 4 I heard it on the grapevine.

20. I passed him on the stairs this morning.

21. The Acme order? I mailed it out this morning.

22. And every morning I hop on it.

23. Radio Saigon played nonstop rock and roll, and it was on morning, noon, and night.

24. I must have left it off the hook this morning.

25. “I heard the first sermon I ever heard in this Church.