i can say that in Germany

I can say that [aikeinseiðæt] zusammenfassend kann ich sage

Sentence patterns related to "i can say that"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "i can say that" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "i can say that", or refer to the context using the word "i can say that" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. In this connection, I can say that we are able to accept Amendment No 12.

In dieser Hinsicht kann ich sagen, dass wir Änderungsantrag 12 billigen können.

2. I can say that like everyone else, I do not agree that payment rates should depend on gender.

3. I can say that, where my own country is concerned, the Task Force’s analysis is absolutely spot-on.

Ich kann sagen, dass die die Situation in meinem Land perfekt wiedergegeben hat.

4. I can say that, never before, India was so well prepared to absorb talent, technology and investment from outside.

5. Looking back, I can say that my life as a full-time minister has been one of immense blessings and privileges.

6. In the end I can say that Ahimsa is not harming yourself or others either, just happily live and let others live.

7. When I think back over the past 60 years that I have known the truth, I can say that Jehovah has blessed me abundantly.

8. Atopic dermatitis is an immunological disease. As a guy that has many allergies I can say that i believe the best treatment is not topical cream

9. Each time I catch myself using a put-down, I quietly shift the pebble into the other pocket and say to myself kindly, "Well, maybe I can say that differently next time."

10. I realize that Carrie is based on Candace Bushnell, and since I don’t read that type of swill, I can’t comment on her lack of talent, but I can say that the fictional version can’t write.

11. By the way, when they start talking about this alleged hybrid threat, and that the situation in Ukraine and the events of 2013−2014 served as a “watershed,” I can say that this is absolutely not true.

Übrigens, wenn sie anfangen, von dieser angeblichen hybriden Drohung zu sprechen, und dass die Situation in der Ukraine und die Ereignisse von 2013/2014 als eine "Wasserscheide" gedient haben, kann ich sagen, dass das absolut nicht wahr ist.

12. After having lived in Italy for eight months, I can say that Rick's perspective is dead-on and that Americans have been so Acculturized to the fast-food, artificial flavor, free delivery lifestyle, that Italian ways seem archaic.

13. In light of this standard, I can say that declared activities and material of Iran are staying in peaceful purposes, but as Iran is not implementing UN Security Council resolutions and the part of the Safeguard Agreement, we cannot give assurance that everything is for peaceful purposes.

14. Ahorseback on May 05, 2016: Living in the state where Sanders is from and has been more than instrumental in destroying an entire economy , I can say that the left has failed miserably to vet a candidate that has nothing in his political pocket except empty, political sixties, mindless ,socialist, non …

15. Clammered 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 months ago I didnt say it was a brand new cassette out of the box but in 7 years of being a professional bike tech I can say that I've seen plenty of cassettes in worse shape than that that still worked with new chains without slipping.