hypertrophy in Germany

hypertrophy [haipətrəfiː] Hypertrophie

Sentence patterns related to "hypertrophy"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hypertrophy" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hypertrophy", or refer to the context using the word "hypertrophy" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. English Adenoidal hypertrophy, nasal turbinate hypertrophy*, dyspnoea*, nasal mucosal disorder*, obstructive airway disorder*, abnormal respiration*, nasal congestion, mouth breathing

2. How is nosepiece hypertrophy treated?

3. The treatment resulted in ventricular hypertrophy.

4. Adenoidal hypertrophy, nasal turbinate hypertrophy*, dyspnoea*, nasal mucosal disorder*, obstructive airway disorder*, abnormal respiration*, nasal congestion, mouth breathing

Hypertrophie der Adenoide, Hypertrophie der Nasenmuschel*, Dyspnoe*, Nasenschleimhauterkrank-ungen*, obstruktive Atemwegserkrankungen*, abnormale Atmung*, verstopfte Nase, Mundatmung

5. Blocking Adipocyte PHLPP2 attenuates HFD-induced Adipocyte hypertrophy

6. What reason is hypertrophy of male double breast?

7. Cardiac hypertrophy is an adaptive process of the heart in response to various stimuli, but sustained cardiac hypertrophy will finally lead to heart failure.

Eine kardiale Hypertrophie ist ein Anpassungsvorgang des Herzens als Reaktion auf verschiedene Reize, eine anhaltende kardiale Hypertrophie führt jedoch schließlich zur Herzinsuffizienz.

8. Hypertrophy Increase in size when referring to skin cells.

9. Compositions and methods for treating or preventing cardiac hypertrophy

10. Adenoid hypertrophy is a natural part of early airway development

11. Myo/V1 is upregulated during cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure.

12. 17 Hypertrophy Increase in size when referring to skin cells.

13. The relationship that hypertrophy of left heart waist, room lacks.

14. Key words: cardiac hypertrophy, inotropic responses, central a1-adrenoreceptors, arrythmias.

15. None had signs of right ventricular hypertrophy in the electro- or echocardiogram.

Keiner zeigte elektro- oder echokardiographisch die Zeichen einer rechtsventrikulären Hypertrophie.

16. Croaker tender due to hypertrophy, can make a variety of dishes.

17. Background: Adenoidal hypertrophy is generally considered a common condition of childhood

18. Bronchodilators have the potential effect of dilating small airways with muscle hypertrophy

19. Benign prostatic hypertrophy is relatively common and potentially bothersome to aging men.

20. Arms and money and advisors flowed in, adding to the army’s hypertrophy.

21. The density increases were discussed in relation to hypertrophy, dystrophy, and hyperactivity.

Die möglichen Zusammenhänge zwischen Zunahme der Dichte, Hypertrophie, Dystrophie und Hyperaktivität werden dargestellt.

22. Use of angiotensin ii antagonists in the treatment of left ventricular hypertrophy

23. Hypertrophy of the tubera frontalia; 3. Malformation of the rami mandibularum and their processi coronoidei.

24. Labia minora Abnormalities: can have labial fusion or hypertrophy in otherwise normal females

25. Hypertrophy of the lenticels resulted from accelerated phellogen activity and elongation of cork cells.

26. Also provided are methods of treating heart failure and cardiac hypertrophy with these formulations.

27. Hypertrophy decreased from +20% in one-vessel disease to +10% in three vessel disease.

Die Hypertrophie war mit 20% am stärksten bei einer Verengung in einem Koronagefäß und nahm dann auf 10% ab bei Verengung in drei Gefäßen.

28. Objective To observe the clinical features of congenital hypertrophy of retinal pigment epithelium ( CHRPE ).

29. Another cause for Asymmetrical breasts is a condition called juvenile hypertrophy of the breast

30. Especially the self-filling blind loops revealed a marked hypertrophy of the muscularis propria.

Vor allem in den selbstfüllenden BS war eine hochgradige Hypertrophie der Muscularis propria nachweisbar.

31. The endocast shows evidence of intracranial retial hypertrophy, taken as evidence of enhanced diving abilities.

32. Regression from hypertrophy was studied following 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 20 days of ISO withdrawal.

33. Many patients habitually use one or two sites and develop hard subcutaneous plaques or disfiguring insulin hypertrophy.

34. In the case of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis hypertrophy of the Z-line is also described.

Im Falle einer myatrophischen lateralsklerose wird auch eine Hypertrophie des Z-Streifens beschrieben.

35. Diastolic heart failure with normal ejection fraction (HFNEF) in diabetic patients often associated with hypertrophy without relevant hypertension.

Die intramyokardiale FFA-Akkumulation führt zu Lipotoxizität und zu einer gestörten Kalziumhomöostase, die Bindung der FFAs an interstitielles und perivaskulären Kollagen zu „advanced glycation endproducts“ (AGE) und damit zu vermehrter Steifigkeit, Hypertrophie und additiver Fibrose.

36. Pharmaceutical composition or functional food composition for the treatment, prevention or alleviation of cardiac hypertrophy comprising raspberry extract

37. 5-alpha reductase inhibiting fermented camellia japonica seed oil for alleviating benign prostatic hypertrophy and baldness

38. Adipose tissue mass accumulation is associated with Adipocyte cell hypertrophy and increased number of white Adipocytes

39. Structural ischemic damage was more pronounced in patients with severe hypertrophy and structural reconstitution was delayed.

Die feinstrukturelle Beschädigung des Myokards, verursacht durch die Ischämie, nahm zu mit dem Schweregrad der Hypertrophie, desgleichen war die Wiederherstellung der strukturellen Schäden verzögert bei stärkerer Hypertrophie.

40. Evaluation of late results in 100 high-risk patients with prostate hypertrophy after palliative cryo-surgery.

Auswertung der Spätergebnisse bei 100 kältechirurgisch behandelten Höchstrisiko-Patienten mit sog. Prostatahypertrophie.

41. adaptative responses (e.g. macrophage migration in the lung, liver hypertrophy and enzyme induction, hyperplastic responses to irritants

adaptive Reaktionen (z. B. Migration von Macrophagen in die Lunge, Leberhypertrophie und Enzyminduktion, hyperplastische Reaktionen auf Reizstoffe

42. During developing hypertrophy, the rate of light-chain labeling is increased relative to that of heavy chains.

Während der Entwicklung der Hypertrophie nimmt die Geschwindigkeit der Markierung der leichten Ketten im Verhältnis zu der der schweren Ketten zu.

43. Diffuse hypertrophy of Acinus cells often can be a subtle change requiring close comparison with control animals

44. In the most severe cases of onychocryptosis, there is chronic inflammation, granulation, and marked nail-fold hypertrophy.

45. In both species, increased plasma renin activity and hypertrophy/hyperplasia of the renal juxtaglomerular cells were observed

In beiden Species wurde eine erhöhte Plasma-Renin-Aktivität und eine Hypertrophie/Hyperplasie der renalen juxtaglomerulären Zellen beobachtet

46. In patients suffering from left-ventricular hypertrophy or atrial fibrillation, sartanes are the best-documented drug class.

Bei Patienten mit linksventrikulärer Hypertrophie oder Vorhofflimmern sind Sartane am besten belegt.

47. Objective To provide a better treatment method of lumbar stenosis and root pain resulting from simple hypertrophy of ligamentum flavum.

48. Study design: The study was conducted on 3 consecutive patients with symptomatic, asymmetrical-in-thickness Clitoral prepucial hypertrophy.

49. It provides an accurate assessment of structural abnormalities such as left ventricular hypertrophy, valvular and congenital heart disease.

Ganz entscheidend ist die Beurteilung des linken Ventrikels hinsichtlich Hypertrophie und systolischer Funktion, weiters der Ausschluss angeborener Herzfehler sowie die Beurteilung der Herzklappen.

50. No cardiac hypertrophy was present, as evidenced by similar mean cardiac weight and myocyte diameter in all groups.