holding period in Germany

holding period [houldiŋpiəriəd] Haltedaue

Sentence patterns related to "holding period"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "holding period" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "holding period", or refer to the context using the word "holding period" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The term “Annualized rate of return” refers to the equivalent annual return that an investor earns over the holding period of the investment

2. Turnover on the major equity exchanges is now running at 150% per year of aggregate market capitalisation, which implies average holding period is eight months.

Das Umsatzvolumen auf den wichtigsten Aktienbörsen macht derzeit 150 % der aggregierten Marktkapitalisierung pro Jahr aus, was einer durchschnittlichen Aktienhaltedauer von acht Monaten entspricht.

3. The Consignee is typically responsible for damage to the goods given into its care, even if ownership still resides with the consignor during the holding period

4. Condition (A) would not require a Clawback, as the limited partners have attained an 8% IRR (which, with a one-year holding period, equals an 8%?return)

5. 29 If the holding period is 6 months to 1 year for reporting companies the shareholder needs to go through a stock brokerage house completing the new 144 paperwork.