heroic deeds in Germany

heroic deeds [hirouikdiːdz] Heldentate

Sentence patterns related to "heroic deeds"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "heroic deeds" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "heroic deeds", or refer to the context using the word "heroic deeds" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The newspapers glorified their heroic deeds.

2. Poets used to sing of such heroic deeds.

3. His heroic deeds were celebrated in all the newspapers.

4. Many people have heard of the man's heroic deeds.

5. His heroic deeds were celebrated in every corner of India.

6. 29 His heroic deeds were celebrated in every corner of India.

7. Wagner in his day had preached purity of heart and heroic deeds.

8. The heroic deeds of the people's soldiers are too numerous to enumerate.

9. The heroic deeds of him embodied the glorious tradition of the troops.

10. 4 The heroic deeds of him embodied the glorious tradition of the troops.

11. May I interest you in a rousing tale of heroic deeds and acts of bravery?

Darf ich Sie für eine Sage heldenhafter Taten und mutiger Handlungen begeistern?

12. It is not manifested through large and heroic deeds but rather through simple acts of kindness and service.

13. The mead hall Boast: The Boast of an Anglo-Saxon warrior was not considered an instance of conceit but was instead a method of inspiring heroic deeds

14. I knew where he is, replied threescore and five; the wicked rogue, the Butcherly dog, the murderer! Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel

15. (adjective) In this poem, which was written 593 A.H., at the request of Nur-uddin Arslan of Mosul, the son and successor of the Abovementioned `Izz-uddin, Nizami returned once more from his excursion into the field of heroic deeds to his old favourite domain of romantic fiction, and added a fresh leaf to the laurel crown of immortal fame