hereafter in Germany

hereafter [hiərɑːftər] danach, hernach, nachhe

Sentence patterns related to "hereafter"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hereafter" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hereafter", or refer to the context using the word "hereafter" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. He should have died hereafter ....

2. I shall be careful hereafter.

3. What will it be hereafter.

4. I shall work harder hereafter.

5. Your rewards come not only hereafter.

6. Do you believe in a hereafter?

7. Do you believe in the hereafter?

8. All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter.

9. Do you believe in a life hereafter?

10. We may speak further of it hereafter.

11. Brayne also held idiosyncratic views on the hereafter.

12. Hereafter the rental properties are redelivered and reprocessed.

13. These are referred to hereafter as Display Pages.

14. Suffering is part of our preparation for the hereafter.

15. They believed they would meet again in the hereafter.

16. It was not an appealing view of the hereafter.

17. Of what may come hereafter For men who sow to reap.

18. Bottlers Nepal Limited (hereafter “BNL”) is committed to protecting the privacy of its visitors (hereafter the “Visitors,” “you” or “your”) to our Internet world-wide website ( (hereafter referred to as the “Website”) that links directly to this privacy policy about the protection of personal information

19. Yes, as the marriage ring of the great espousal hereafter!

20. 16 What belief did the original Shinto hold about the Hereafter?

21. “For some answers we may have to wait until the hereafter.

22. Definition of terms "The company" hereafter refers to Chequered Ink Ltd

23. Hereafter , the stage next piece laughs, because she was already excited incoherently.

24. I realised how hard life was going to be for me hereafter.

25. He found fearlessness an extremely difficult state to conceive, like the hereafter.

26. However, those who do ill shall render themselves liable to severe account hereafter.

Und wie für die leidenden Eingekehrten so trefflich gesorgt ist!

27. Elizabeth Gaskell's novel 'Ruth' will hereafter be cited within the text as EG.

28. Those who “pass” move on to something better in some form of Hereafter.

29. She had a firm conviction that they would meet again in the hereafter.

30. In the restaurant, we met us hereafter the confabulation object for 7 days.

31. 17 Agony now, agony hereafter, the wrong - doer suffers agony in both worlds.

32. I have a feeling that life for me in Japan hereafter will be quite different.

33. Who among you will give ear to this? Who will give heed and listen hereafter?

34. The main administrative objectives of the General Secretariat of the Council (GSC hereafter) for 2011 were:

Die wichtigsten Verwaltungsziele des Generalsekretariats des Rates (im Folgenden „GSR“) im Jahr 2011 bestanden darin,

35. The main administrative objectives of the General Secretariat of the Council (GSC hereafter) for 2010 were:

Die wichtigsten Verwaltungsziele des Generalsekretariats des Rates (im Folgenden „GSR“) im Jahr 2010 bestanden darin,

36. The custom will in fact be followed generally hereafter, with subjects other than that of conditionals.

37. Biodiesel is a renewable alternative to petroleum-based diesel fuel (hereafter referred to as "petrodiesel")

38. This court is in no way prejudging any defence of justification which may hereafter be raised in those libel proceedings.

39. The absorption of illicit enrichment (hereafter confiscation) is conviction-based and Liechtenstein law does not allow civil forfeiture.

40. There had always been tension between fear of the process of dying and hope of a happy hereafter.

41. The few plates presented hereafter are a testimonial of this family practice in the first decade of the Autochromy

42. No attempt has been made in these pages to measure the achievement of those 28 ministers whose names are recorded hereafter.

43. Hereafter, also overcomes Polish contestant Ma Wuge in the semi-final the thermal tower Austria Laney gram to enter the finals.

44. And to those who believe not in the Hereafter, (it Announceth) that We have prepared for them a Penalty Grievous (indeed)

45. Hereafter the emphasis would be on distinguishing between development and welfare expenditure on one hand, and administrative overheads on the other.

46. The modulation of budgetary adjustment over the economic cycle was addressed by the so-called "matrix of requirements" (hereafter, simply "matrix).

Die Modulation der haushaltspolitischen Anpassung entsprechend dem Verlauf des Konjunkturzyklus wurde in einer sogenannten „Matrix der Anforderungen“ (im Folgenden „Matrix“) aufgeschlüsselt.

47. Others have said that it means, "Whoever traverses upon the path of guidance, then he will reach Allah (i.e., in the Hereafter).

48. The living were aware that death would come and claim them and aware of the power of the dead in the hereafter.

49. 2019), so the accumulating particles are expected to result in a fractal body, hereafter referred to as a Cometary fractal aggregate (CFA)

50. An empty hose, at a length of approximately #,# m must be able to withstand # times the hereafter prescribed alternating-bending-test without breaking

Ein ungefähr #,# m langer leerer Schlauch muss # Zyklen der nachstehend beschriebenen Wechselbiegeprüfung standhalten, ohne zu brechen