heat stroke in Germany

heat stroke [hiːtstrouk] Hitzschlag

Sentence patterns related to "heat stroke"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "heat stroke" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "heat stroke", or refer to the context using the word "heat stroke" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Heat stroke like you wouldn't believe.

Ein kaum vorstellbarer Hitzeschlag.

2. Being used in colds, heat stroke, indigestion dyspepsia ( painful indigestion ), diarrhea, hepatitis.

3. Several monitors have come down with heat rash and heat stroke this summer.

4. calenture (plural Calentures) A heat stroke or fever, often suffered in the tropics

5. Calenture (plural Calentures) A heat stroke or fever, often suffered in the tropics

6. 15 The institute was founded after Stringer, a Minnesota Vikings offensive lineman, died of heat stroke in 200

7. Possible causes of your dog taking short, quick Breaths include: Heart condition; Pain; Allergies; Respiratory infection; Heat stroke Asthma

8. A Hothead helmet will get football players off the field before heat stroke sets in, a problem that's killed 39 players since 19

9. Because of this temperature and the level of humidity in the saunas, you will find that often heat prostration and heat stroke can occur.