heart attacks in Germany

heart attacks [hɑːtətæks] Herzanfälle

Sentence patterns related to "heart attacks"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "heart attacks" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "heart attacks", or refer to the context using the word "heart attacks" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. 1 accident, 2 heart attacks, a stroke.

2. More and more people are surviving heart attacks.

3. 4 Stress can predispose people to heart attacks.

4. Amlong H Tab helps prevent heart attacks and strokes

5. Very vigorous exercise can increase the risk of heart attacks.

6. Smokers are more subject to heart attacks than non-smokers.

7. The government's campaign aims to cut the death rate from heart attacks.

8. For example, Ast level in serum is elevated in heart attacks or with …

9. Exercise will not only lower blood pressure but possibly protect against heart attacks.

10. Aspirin is also used for decreasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

11. There's subclinical atherosclerosis, subclinical hardening of the arteries, obviously linked to heart attacks, potentially.

12. 27 Exercise will not only lower blood pressure but possibly protect against heart attacks.

13. And medical science now finds that even mild hypertension may trigger heart attacks or strokes.

14. Studies have shown that angioplasty and stenting can save lives when used during heart attacks.

15. Studies have shown that angioplasty and stenting can save lives when used in heart attacks.

16. Excessive debt also brings health risks, such as insomnia, headaches, stomachaches, heart attacks, and depression.

17. Sadly, while I was there, my brother-in-law suffered two heart attacks and died.

18. Stress and Behaviour Patterns Type A behaviour may be an important factor in heart attacks .

19. Heretofore, the drugs have been recommended only for use in patients who have had heart attacks.

20. It is this underlying coronary artery disease (CAD) that sets the stage for most heart attacks.

21. Many doctors now take an aspirin every other day themselves, as a hedge against heart attacks.

22. After a local court overturned the smoking ban, the rate of heart attacks returned to previous levels.

23. 3 Look at that sports editor over there - he's had four marriages and as many heart attacks.

24. In fact, tens of thousands of people survive heart Attacks and go on to lead productive, enjoyable lives.

25. In patients with coronary artery disease, abruptly stopping Atenolol can suddenly worsen angina, and occasionally precipitate heart attacks

26. Atherosclerosis -- or hardening of the arteries -- is the leading cause of heart attacks, strokes, and peripheral vascular disease

27. But all of us can appreciate the seriousness of something that could give us heart attacks or cancer.

Aber uns allen ist klar, wie gefährlich eine Erscheinung ist, die uns Herzanfälle oder Krebs „bescheren“ kann.

28. Blood Clots can travel through the body and cause heart attacks, strokes and deadly blockages in the lungs

29. Blood Clots are dangerous because they can obstruct blood vessels and cause breathing problems, heart attacks and strokes

30. When air quality deteriorates, there are more admissions to hospital for heart failures, heart attacks, irregular heartbeats and strokes.

31. Unsuitable for those with a personal of family history of strokes, heart attacks or raised blood pressure, and some diabetics.

32. There are five main types of Cardiomyopathy.Some are inherited while others are the result of viral infections or heart attacks.

33. WHILE it may appear that many heart attacks occur without warning, medical authorities say that it is rarely the case.

34. Excessive athletics can cause worn joints, crushed cartilages, slipped disks, stress fractures, hypertension, digestive troubles, premature bone loss, and even heart attacks.

35. A total of 14 people died on the piste including four casualties of the chairlift accident in Carinthia and four heart attacks.

36. 24 And the famous Framingham Heart Study found women who reported suppressing their anger experienced the highest rate of first heart attacks.

37. 160 The venoms of other Centipedes are used in Chinese folk medicine to combat rheumatism, convulsions, tetanus, heart attacks, kidney stones, skin problems

38. Aspirin suppresses clotting, which is the villain behind heart attacks and "ischemic" strokes (caused by a blocked artery in the brain)

39. Aspirin is a common medicine that has a number of uses, from relieving pain to reducing the risk of serious problems such as heart attacks and strokes.

40. Of great concern is that this Corpulence has definitively been linked to the youthful onset of diabetes and hypertension, and to strokes and heart attacks in middle age.

41. These vascular effects lead to thickening of blood vessel walls and enhance blood platelet stickiness, increasing the likelihood that clots will form and trigger heart attacks and strokes.

42. An elevated level of Creatine kinase is seen in heart attacks, when the heart muscle is damaged, or in conditions that produce damage to the skeletal muscles or brain.

43. Cause: Heredity may play a role in the development of Atherosclerosis and associated complications (heart attacks and strokes), but little attention should be given to this factor when planning therapy

44. “Severe or prolonged stress can make the body more vulnerable to ailments ranging from skin rashes and the common cold to heart attacks and cancer.” —The Wall Street Journal, U.S.A.

45. Acidic compounds present in red wine, called phenols, have been shown to inhibit the so-called bad cholesterol (LDL) from clogging arteries with the fatty deposits that cause heart attacks.

46. We speculate that these changes in blood vessels induced by exposure to air pollution, contribute to the increase in admissions to hospital for heart failures, heart attacks, irregular heartbeats and strokes.

47. The app pulls from sources such as the incidence of heart attacks, the National Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Environmental Protection Agency and the Haz-Map of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

48. They include low-cost drugs to reduce heart attacks, vaccines to prevent cervical cancer, and the same tobacco taxes and advertising rules that dramatically cut smoking rates throughout Europe and the US.

49. Featuring guitarist and lead vocalist Tuk, formerly of the Heart Attacks, the Biters also include Matt Gabs on guitar and backing vocals, Travis on bass and backing vocals, and Joey on drums.

50. Plavix (clopidogrel Bisulfate) is an antiplatelet drug used to prevent strokes, heart attacks, and death in individuals who have had a previous stroke, unstable angina, heart attack or have peripheral arterial disease (PAD).