handicaps in Germany

handicaps [hændikæps] Behinderunge

Sentence patterns related to "handicaps"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "handicaps" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "handicaps", or refer to the context using the word "handicaps" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. That , and his age, insuperable handicaps.

2. Agricultural land area supported in areas with handicaps, other than mountain areas

Geförderte landwirtschaftliche Fläche in benachteiligten Gebieten, die nicht Berggebiete sind

3. World Health Organization (WHO) divides outcomes into three categories: impairment, disabilities, and handicaps.

4. The most promiscuous species end up a collage of different handicaps, ornaments, and gaudy blotches.

5. It is for the Member State to demonstrate the existence of any handicaps and gauge their importance.

Es obliegt den Mitgliedstaaten, die Existenz und den Umfang solcher Nachteile nachzuweisen.

6. 10 The most promiscuous species end up a collage of different handicaps, ornaments, and gaudy blotches.

7. Specific handicaps refer to natural conditions unfavourable for agricultural production, e.g. poor soil, poor drainage or excessive salinity.

8. It is for the Member State to demonstrate the existence of any handicaps and gauge their importance

Es obliegt den Mitgliedstaaten, die Existenz und den Umfang solcher Nachteile nachzuweisen

9. 18 A child may, for instance, be born with serious handicaps or developmental problems requiring extended periods of care.

10. 27 A child may, for instance, be born with serious handicaps or developmental problems requiring extended periods of care.

11. It is generally accepted that SMEs suffer from a number of handicaps that can slow down their development.

Es ist allgemein bekannt, daß KMU mit zahlreichen Problemen zu kämpfen haben, die ihre Entwicklung behindern.

12. Alternative forms of publishing, disseminating and distributing literature to those suffering mental or functional handicaps should be facilitated.

In diesem Zusammenhang sollten alternative Formen der Veröffentlichung und Verbreitung sowie Verfahren gefördert werden, die Behinderten, die an einer geistigen oder körperlichen Behinderung leiden, Zugang zur Literatur verschaffen.

13. How can a system of females choosing males that are good at surviving encumber those males with handicaps to survival?

14. With these handicaps, the smoke from vehicles and industrial units, coupled with winter fogs, create a polluted environment.

15. A child may, for instance, be born with serious handicaps or developmental problems requiring extended periods of care.

16. Hurley, an Honorary Third Lieutenant in the Constabulary, recounts vividly and dramatically the real origin, handicaps, growth, development, use, strategies, and key battles of

17. Contentiousness Sentence Examples His vanity, his pride of opinion and his inborn Contentiousness were serious handicaps to him in his political career.

18. He settled in London and astounded the country by the extent to which he was able to overcome his disastrous physical handicaps.

19. The standard time increase for students requiring additional time due to learning disabilities or physical handicaps is time + 50%; time + 100% is also offered.

20. Do not refer to people of other genders , sexual orientations , nationalities , ethnicities , races , handicaps , religions or other diversity in any slang terms , slurs , or other denigrating language .

21. They don't really have a choice Born helpless, nude and unable to provide for himself, Lore Sjöberg eventually overcame these handicaps to become an alien, an aileron and an Ailurophile.

22. Adjoining the recently renovated, nine-hole Hummingbird course that gives golfers the option to sneak in another half-round, Avocet offers players of all handicaps a true test of golf in a beautiful setting.

23. Never forget, though, that there are those among us who despite advancing age, severe health problems, physical handicaps, strenuous work schedules, and other serious responsibilities see the importance of meetings and are almost always in attendance.

24. Furthermore, the Italian authorities have not produced any evidence in the context of this investigation that might demonstrate that the aid was justified by its contribution to regional development, or its nature, nor have they shown that it is proportionate to the handicaps it seeks to alleviate

Zudem haben die italienischen Behörden im Rahmen dieses Prüfverfahrens weder nachgewiesen, dass die Beihilfen aufgrund ihres Beitrags zur Regionalentwicklung bzw. ihrer Art nach gerechtfertigt sind, noch dass ihre Höhe den auszugleichenden Nachteilen angemessen ist

25. He writes: “If nutrition is poor, health care deficient, housing debasing, family income low, family disorganization prevalent, discipline anarchic, ghettoization more or less complete, personal worth consistently diminished, expectations low, and aspirations frustrated, as well as numerous other environmental handicaps, then one may expect the kind of failures in intellectual development that are so often gratuitously attributed to genetic factors.”

Er schreibt: „Bei schlechter Ernährung, mangelhafter Gesundheitspflege, entwürdigenden Wohnverhältnissen, geringem Einkommen, weitverbreiteter Familienzerrüttung, anarchistischer Disziplin, mehr oder weniger vollständiger Abkapselung in Gettos, ständiger Herabsetzung des Selbstwertgefühls, geringen Aussichten, verhinderten Ambitionen sowie zahllosen anderen Benachteiligungen durch die Umwelt ist die Art von Störungen bei der geistigen Entwicklung, die so oft unberechtigterweise den Erbfaktoren zugeschrieben werden, durchaus zu erwarten.“