gumshoe in Germany

gumshoe [gʌmʃuː] Gummiüberschuh

Sentence patterns related to "gumshoe"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gumshoe" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gumshoe", or refer to the context using the word "gumshoe" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Will Gumshoe Goose arrest the kidnapper?

2. Dennis Miller is a down-at-the-heels gumshoe.

3. Awn teaches the Wu Xu of Chinese gumshoe institute this year 74 years old.

4. Somebody has kidnapped Baby Chick-Chick! Was it Granny Fox, or Fat Fox? Will Gumshoe Goose arrest the kidnapper? Open the book and you will see!

5. Now, The Gumshoe Zoo Detectives are busy solving alliterative-adventure mysteries, in "Betty's Burgled Bakery!" Be sure to check out "Fowl Play," too! Teacher friends, librarian friends, parent and grandparent friends, you need these in your collections! Read more