grumpily in Germany

grumpily [grʌmpailiː] nörglerische

Sentence patterns related to "grumpily"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "grumpily" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "grumpily", or refer to the context using the word "grumpily" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. You just grumpily keep making fun of people.

2. Less grumpily,Thomas Jefferson termed it "splendid misery."

3. The Fat Lady called grumpily after him as he walked away.

4. Way too many people, that's what, " Mark replied grumpily ."

5. And that was also, he thought grumpily, quite predictable.

6. "I know, I know," said Ken, grumpily, without looking up.

7. 'Are we allowed to speak yet?' said Ron grumpily. Hermione ignored him.

8. I still can't believe you didn't tell us about it, " said Ron grumpily ."

9. Synonyms for Cantankerously include irritably, crankily, crossly, grumpily, irascibly, testily, critically, fractiously, grouchily and peevishly

10. Mark often acts grumpily if Kathleen wakes him up too early in the morning.

11. Synonyms for Crotchetily include crankily, crossly, grumpily, irascibly, irritably, testily, fierily, fractiously, grouchily and peevishly

12. " Where is the breakfast? " asked the middle one of the gentlemen grumpily to the cleaning woman.

13. When they took the draft to Clinton, he was grumpily watching the Arkansas Razorbacks on television.

14. For the next 20 years Engels worked grumpily away, handing over half his generous income to an ever more demanding Marx.

15. But others that have lived, albeit grumpily , with Israel's basement bomb for years—including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, possibly even Turkey—are unlikely to wait to find out.

16. 'We used to have sex every day as a matter of course,' he said grumpily. 'Now you're offering it up as a gift and I'm supposed to be grateful?

17. Renormalize solingen of many a clockwise brown v board of education lawyer gold-seeker, the breadstick of many a biserrate insulting, steald soho, the faveolate rosicrucian preexistence of many a intumesce, brusquely yieldingly from banging or motorial, with grumpily olive-drab millions consecrated to quash cowgirls Barricadoing moments—no

18. Edward Bighead to shoot yet another extremely evil glare at both him and Rocko alike from the OTHER incredibly annoying yard right next to theirs as he dutifully watered his ever-so-slowly regrowing salmon bushes and then grumpily, Crotchetily shambled his way into his own car and somewhat (scratch that, VERY