growls in Germany

growls [graulz] knurren, knurrt

Sentence patterns related to "growls"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "growls" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "growls", or refer to the context using the word "growls" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Is it an animal that grunts and growls?

2. 10 The lion roars, and a young lion growls,

3. Is it at risk for Botulin contamination?nooo *stomach growls*

4. Like spilt quicksilver, hoarse growls rolled over the lurid weeds like thunders.

5. The roaring, bellowing growls sometimes gave rise to screams of agony.

6. “Just as the lion growls, a strong young lion,* over its prey,

7. HVAC chattering, Clanks, clunks, cyclical, fan, fog horn moans, honks, groans, growls Noise Group 2 Article Contents

8. 24 Granted, the fundamentals that ultimately determine stock-market value are favorable; there is no reason for bearish growls.

9. Automated mesopotamian Bandyings for good reason? Do you misuse the first Buy Viagra Cialis Line unhealthy forced feedings? Tito growls, Margarita rambles the retreats jealously

10. "There was a bold fisherman." What a guy! The belly growls while the reverend gave him an Askanced look: He couldn't have done it without Kate serving him tea

11. HVAC NOISE-2 CHATTER CLANK FAN GROAN - chattering, Clanks, clunks, cyclical, fan, fog horn moans and groans, growls CHATTERING RELAY CONTROL SWITCHES - separate article: chattering at control relays in mechanical equipment

12. The growls, technically called Borborygmi (pronounced BOR-boh-RIG-mee), are caused primarily by contractions of the muscles of the stomach and small intestine and, to a lesser extent, by contractions of the …

13. Especially the Americans, grossly and Crapulously ignorant as they are of the rudiments of human language, seize like mongrel curs upon the putrid bones of their decaying monkey-jabber, and gnaw and tear them with fierce growls and howls.

14. ‘In general, vocalizations are varied and include: trumpeting, whistles, twitters, honks, barks, grunts, quacks, Croaks and growls.’ ‘Males are characterized by louder grunts, Croaks or barks.’ ‘The lands beyond are filled with a chorus of bleats and Croaks and barks.’ ‘Their voices have the drunken croak and rumble of old crows.’