gross weight in Germany

gross weight [grousweit] Bruttogewicht

Sentence patterns related to "gross weight"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gross weight" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gross weight", or refer to the context using the word "gross weight" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Gross weight (kg

Brutto-Gewicht (in kg

2. Maximum Gross weight

Höchstzulässiges Gesamtgewicht





5. Customs duty applicable (CHF/100 kg gross weight)

Zollsatz in CHF/100 kg brutto

6. Its total gross weight is approximately 2 800 kg.

Das Gesamtbruttogewicht beträgt etwa 2 800 kg.

7. 2. weight of goods: gross weight in 100 kg;

2. Gewicht des Gutes, Bruttogewicht in 100 kg;

8. Bromine and bromide compounds (gross weight) in 2020 was Israel

9. When this tare-weight is excluded, the weight is gross weight.

Ist dieses Eigengewicht ausgeschlossen, so ist das Bruttogewicht zu berücksichtigen.

10. (i) rules on sampling and methods for determining gross weight, tare and sugar content.

i) die Regeln für die Stichprobenprüfung und die Feststellung von Bruttogewicht, Leergewicht und Zuckergehalt.

11. It yielded one gold doré bar of an approximate gross weight of 530 oz.

12. Deducting the tare weight from the gross weight,(sentencedict .com) we get the net weight.

13. "Gross Weight" means the actual or volume weight whichever is greater, of the container plus contents.

14. Analysis of distance run by commercial vehicles categorised by maximum gross weight and actual axle load

Zusammensetzung des Nutzfahrzeugverkehrs, unterteilt nach Klassen des höchtstzulässigen Gesamtgewichts und der effektiven Achslast

15. Excludes seats not actually available for the carriage of passengers because of maximum gross weight limitations

Ausgenommen sind Sitzplätze, die aufgrund der Hoechstlastbegrenzungen nicht für die Beförderung von Fluggästen zur Verfügung stehen

16. Excludes seats not actually available for the carriage of passengers because of maximum gross weight limitations.

Ausgenommen sind Sitzplätze, die aufgrund der Höchstlastbegrenzungen nicht für die Beförderung von Fluggästen zur Verfügung stehen.

17. Rotor rpm in Autorotation is a function of several factors like density altitude, gross weight and airspeed

18. This average container weight is then deducted from the gross weight to arrive at the actual catch weight.

19. The actual tare weight of the equipment plus the gross weight of its eventual contents in kilograms or pounds.

20. Well, ma'am, given the mission brief, we thought we should decrease the gross weight and increase the loiter time.

21. After the original model, Boeing developed an increased gross weight variant of the 777-200 with greater range and payload capability.

22. Ensure that actual tares are stored in association with the proper identification numbers of the cars and once recalled that they are linked to the correct car and the correct gross weight.

23. Q98. We have actual test flight data from the [supplemental type certificate] holder for the increased gross weight for Beechcraft 200 indicating that the greatest level flight dash speed would be 292 mph.

24. Together, the leading imported Bromine products in terms of both gross weight and Bromine content were bromides and bromide oxides of ammonium, calcium, or zinc and bromides of sodium or potassium (about 90%)

25. The total number of passenger seats available for sale between each pair of airports on a flight stage (excluding seats not actually available for the carriage of passengers because of maximum gross weight limitation).

Die Gesamtzahl der jeweils zwischen den zwei Flughäfen einer Teilstrecke angebotenen Sitzplätze für Fluggäste (ausgenommen sind Sitzplätze, die aufgrund der Hoechstlastbegrenzungen nicht für die Beförderung von Fluggästen zur Verfügung stehen).

26. It is abundantly clear that a system of charging fees by reference to gross weight or invoice value cannot ensure a direct relationship between the fees charged and the actual costs of the inspections .

Es ist sonnenklar, daß eine Regelung, wonach Gebühren nach dem Bruttogewicht oder dem Rechnungsbetrag erhoben werden, kein direktes Verhältnis zwischen den erhobenen Gebühren und den tatsächlichen Untersuchungskosten gewährleisten kann .

27. The total number of passenger seats available for sale between each pair of airports on a flight stage (excluding seats not actually available for the carriage of passengers because of maximum gross weight limitation

Die Gesamtzahl der jeweils zwischen den zwei Flughäfen einer Teilstrecke angebotenen Sitzplätze für Fluggäste (ausgenommen sind Sitzplätze, die aufgrund der Hoechstlastbegrenzungen nicht für die Beförderung von Fluggästen zur Verfügung stehen

28. Although the aircraft was relatively trouble-free, the complex systems proved to be expensive to maintain and performance was below expectations, especially with an increase in seating to 52 and gross weight to 65,000 lb (29,484 kg).

29. The ports of Antwerp and Zeebrugge (Bruges) share more than 80% of Belgian maritime traffic, Antwerp being the second European harbour with a gross weight of goods handled of 115 988 000 t in 2000 after a growth of 10.9% over the preceding five years.