graying in Germany

graying [greiiŋ] ergrauend

Sentence patterns related to "graying"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "graying" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "graying", or refer to the context using the word "graying" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Graying does not mean that the hair dies.

2. Graying hair is a normal part of the aging process

3. A woman well past 40 , she had graying hair tucked under a worn hat .

4. Detailed information on REMOLANTM graying hair, hair loss and alopecia remedies may be found on the web-site.

Die ausführliche Information über die Mittel gegen Haarausfall und Alopezie REMOLANTM ist auf den Seiten der Web-Seite zugänglich dargelegt.

5. The fast-graying nationposted a record-low Birthrate, as the estimated number of babies born in 2019 fell to 864,000 -- …

6. Framed in a tangled explosion of graying brown hair, his face was chalky with exhaustion, the wide gray eyes in their Bistered hollows dilated with drugs.

7. It has been recorded that Herod the Great, who was a contemporary of Jesus Christ, dyed his graying hair to hide his age.

8. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether persons with pronounced aging signs such as graying of hair, Baldness, or facial wrinkles are prone to a shorter life span compared to their contemporaries.

9. The monitoring results show that new, young and healthy hair without graying may be visually noticed in 3-4 months after the treatment with REMOLANTM hair loss and alopecia remedy by people who lose hair at 1-7 stage by Norwood-Hamilton's hair loss scale.

Nach den Ergebnissen der Monitoring kann man bei Menschen mit den 1-7. Stadien der Alopezie gemäß der Norwood-Hamilton Skala das Wachstum des neuen, jungen, vitalen und nicht grauen Haar mit starken Wurzeln, schon nach 3-4 Monaten der Anwendung des Mittels gegen Haarausfall REMOLANTM visuell beobachten.

10. The present invention relates to a composition containing, as an active ingredient, gincenoside Mc, for providing effects such as anti-aging, improvement of wrinkles, whitening, improved moisturization, anti-inflammation, improvement of acne, skin troubles, and atopic dermatitis symptoms, skin clearing, and pore tightening, in addition to providing effects such as skin tone improvement, hair growth promotion, improvement of graying hair, anti-dandruff, and antisepsis.