got drunk in Germany

got drunk [gɔtdrʌŋk] berauschte

Sentence patterns related to "got drunk"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "got drunk" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "got drunk", or refer to the context using the word "got drunk" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. They got drunk on vodka.

2. They got drunk and puked out the window.

3. He got drunk and disgraced himself at the wedding.

4. That nitwit got drunk and flirted with the boss'wife.

5. He got drunk and barfed all over the carpet.

6. I got drunk and had to be carried home.

7. 21 They got drunk and danced like mad in the garden.

8. A desperate boredom always lay over those things until they got drunk.

9. He got drunk; he was the sort, his ribald jokes, drinks for everyone.

10. Or if he was ambidextrous, he probably got drunk and then wrote it.

Oder wenn er beidhändig ist, betrank er sich vielleicht und schrieb es dann.

11. I got drunk and dialled Hire-A-Heap and rented a scarred Boomerang on a budget four-day buy.

12. He got drunk three times a week and made copious notes about Kate Molland and the human condition in his journal.

13. Beat up From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Beat up phrasal verb 1 beat somebody ↔ up to hurt someone badly by hitting them Her boyfriend got drunk and beat her up

14. A family head told the following on the day of his baptism: ‘I was the overseer at a construction site, but every evening I got drunk, and this began to affect my work.

15. For example, the root tron̄ ("drunk") can form the following: me-tron̄ (" got drunk"): the consonants t and r belong to two different syllables; toron̄ (" getting drunk"): the insertion of a vowel between t and r is necessary to prevent the syllable from starting with two consecutive consonants.