gone down in Germany

gone down [gɔndaun] hinabgegange

Sentence patterns related to "gone down"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gone down" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gone down", or refer to the context using the word "gone down" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. My fever has gone down.

2. The swelling has gone down a little.

3. Poor Dick has gone down with mumps.

4. Half of Martha's class has gone down with flu.

5. 18 Our youngest boy has gone down with mumps.

6. 13 He's gone down the pub for a quick pint.

7. However, the "Blazons!" site has apparently gone down

8. Prices of most foodstuffs and consumer goods have gone down.

9. Indicators in certain survey categories, however, have actually gone down

10. Very few Indians today wish that India had gone down

11. Rates of Cervical cancer have gone down in the United States

12. The swelling's gone down but there's still a lot of bruising.

13. 23 They've gone down to Brighton for a couple of days.

14. Two of their kings have already gone down to the dust.

15. The wind had gone down but the night had turned chilly.

16. I didn't expect to get paid since the company has gone down.

17. Al said the talks had temporarily gone down a blind alley, but

18. Official Spokesperson: I think we have all gone down this road before.

19. I felt that everything I'd worked for had gone down the drain.

20. After 25 years , the curtain has finally gone down on his sparkling career.

21. You got a C average? Boy, your grades have really gone down the Chute this semester

22. Consequently its budgets in terms of its share with the gross national product has gone down from the ‘60s.

23. The valet had gone down on his knees, his head pressed to the floor, his whole body visibly shaking.

24. They have gone down uncircumcised to the land below, those who caused terror in the land of the living.

25. Arthur untied the head wrapping and touched my face, saying the swelling had already gone down a great deal.

26. Al said the talks had temporarily gone down a blind alley, but he was sure the two companies could agree.

27. This has not gone down too well with the Torinese, who want a more prestigious side to inaugurate their new stadium.

28. The prices of M91, M95, and diesel fuel have gone down by nine Baizas each for September, Shell Oman announced on Saturday.

29. The latter's boats recovered items from the plane's baggage compartment, but the plane itself had gone down with its crew of two.

30. Russian filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky praised Chaplin as "the only person to have gone down into cinematic history without any shadow of a doubt.

31. View in context The wind had dropped to a steady blow, still from west by north, and the sea had gone down Correspondingly .

32. And the concrete result was that the number of child laborers globally has gone down by one third in the last 15 years.

33. I almost wish I hadn't gone down that rabbit- hole -- and yet -- and yet -- it's rather curious, you know, this sort of life!

34. Funerals may be replaced by welcoming sessions for those brought up in the resurrection, including our own loved ones who have gone down into death.

35. 'Barbaren' aka 'Barbarian' Season 1, Netflix's German original has not gone down well with fans who decided to catch the show on the first day of release

36. Prices of hydrocarbons have gone down, so therefore the total value terms, if you look at the trade it seems it has gone down a little bit, but in actual terms it has perhaps gone up because you are keeping up to the same level in value terms, and obviously we are doing something much better than the previous years.

37. The moon had gone down, but the sun had not yet risen, and the sky appeared a sheet of darkling blue. Apart from night-prowlers, all was asleep.

38. Blipping is the act of momentarily opening the throttle just after you pull in the clutch lever, so that once you’ve gone down a gear and released the clutch lever the engine rpm won’t have dropped off

39. ‘When the results of the analysis started coming in, it turned out that the initial estimate was almost entirely correct: The scores of all the triplet and pulse candidates, both Barycentric and non-Barycentric, had indeed gone down.’

40. You must be aware that in a very adverse economic environment when our bilateral trade with many of our key partners has gone down, with Russia it has actually increased by 25 per cent, which is saying a lot.

41. We all know a lot of the statistics, but just to repeat one of them, median income in America has actually gone down over the past 15 years, and we're in danger of getting trapped in some vicious cycle where inequality and polarization continue to go up over time.

42. The Minister of Finance told us, and the Secretary of State for International Financial Institutions repeated the same thing a few moments ago-there are a lot of parrots in that party-``You are not entitled to this compensation because your provincial sales tax revenues have not gone down since the harmonization of the GST and the QST''