globules in Germany

globules [glɔbjuːlz] Kügelche

Sentence patterns related to "globules"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "globules" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "globules", or refer to the context using the word "globules" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Globules of wax fell from the candle.

2. Les Basophiles sont des globules blancs produits dans la moelle osseuse

3. The disease is caused by globules of fat blocking the blood vessels.

4. Les Basophiles sont des globules blancs dont les noyaux contiennent des granules

5. Some meteorites betray traces of proteinoid globules, the precursors of living cells.

6. Microgram quantities of silver are quantitatively deposited into mercury globules from nitric acid solutions (ca.

Mikrogrammengen Silber werden aus salpetersaurer Lösung (ca. 1-n) quantitativ auf Quecksilbertröpfchen niedergeschlagen, wobei große Mengen unedle Metalle (z.

7. 24 The disease is caused by globules of fat blocking the blood vessels.

8. Microgram quantities of palladium are quantitatively deposited into mercury globules from various acid solutions.

Mikrogrammengen Palladium werden von Quecksilbertröpfchen aus sauren Lösungen quantitativ extrahiert.

9. The ice cubes will help to cool the soup and attract any fat globules.

10. They are small, round, Basophilic globules that occur in a linear pattern within the dentin layer

11. Graphite also occurs as globules and massive fine-grained aggregates frequently forming concentric pipe-like structures.

Graphit kommt auch als kugelige und massive, feinkörnige Aggregate vor und bildet häufig konzentrische, röhrenförmige Texturen.

12. The Mount was a shadow in the air and the iron railings along the promenade dripped globules of moisture.

13. Chyle definition: a milky fluid composed of lymph and emulsified fat globules , formed in the small Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

14. The smaller fat globules of the Ayrshire cow’s milk allow an ease of incorporation of moisture into the curd.

Aufgrund der kleineren Fettpartikel in der Milch der Ayrshire-Kuh kann die Feuchtigkeit leicht in den Käsebruch eindringen.

15. Various experiments done in volcanic environments have shown that proteinoid globules are very likely to form in such regions.

16. 4 Homogenized milk has been mechanically treated to break fat globules into minute particles and disperse them throughout the milk.

17. Five hundred globules, one hundred of which should weigh one grain, should be moistened with one drop of this solution.

18. Adipose cell, also called Adipocyte or fat cell, connective-tissue cell specialized to synthesize and contain large globules of fat.

19. Preliminary analysis at a London laboratory shows that it contains fatty globules of lipids and is organic, of animal origin.

20. A red-hot molten mess shot through with glassy globules known as Agglutinate, common on the moon but rare on Earth.

21. The place was scrubbed clean though flies feasted on the huge globules of red blood spattered across the white-washed walls.

22. Butter definition is - a solid emulsion of fat globules, air, and water made by churning milk or cream and used as food

23. He watched the globules of sweat as they oozed from his pores then ran in countless little rivers down his brown skin.

24. Results It was shown that calcium globules of various electron density or sheets of calcified osseous tissue blended with titanium at the interface.

25. Cream, yellowish component of milk, rich in fat globules, that rises to the surface naturally if milk is allowed to stand; in the dairy industry Cream is separated mechanically (see Cream separator).Homogenization of Cream reduces the size of the fat globules, and the resulting product is less suitable for whipping

26. Albinuria is the technical term for the passing of turbid white urine, usually caused by accumulation of pus, bacteria or fat globules (x) (x)

27. Les Basophiles (granulocyte basophile, polynucléaire basophile, leucocyte basophile) constituent la plus petite fraction des globules blancs circulant dans le sang (environ 1 %)

28. L’analyse fournit le nombre de Basophiles par litre de sang (Basophiles #) et la proportion des globules blancs représentée par les Basophiles

29. Adipose tissue, or fatty tissue, connective tissue consisting mainly of fat cells (Adipose cells, or adipocytes), specialized to synthesize and contain large globules of fat, within a …

30. Les Basophiles représentent moins de 3 % des globules blancs circulants (soit 0 à 300 Basophiles par microlitre de sang [0 à 0,3 × 109 par litre]) [1]

31. Zygorhizidium affluens Canter and Z. planktonicum Canter have monocentric operculate sporangia and zoospores which have single lipid globules to which the cell nucleus and single mitochondrion are closely adpressed.

32. Adipose tissue, connective tissue consisting mainly of fat cells (adipose cells, or Adipocytes), specialized to synthesize and contain large globules of fat, within a structural network of fibres

33. Les Basophiles représentent moins de 3 % des globules blancs circulants (soit 0 à 300 Basophiles par microlitre de sang [0 à 0,3 × 10 9 par litre])

34. Les polynucléaires Basophiles sont des globules blancs qui appartiennent au système de défense de l'organisme contre les virus et les bactéries

35. The fat globules, which give Chyle a milky appearance, have a thin protein coating and are a micron or less in size (there are about 25,000 microns to an inch).

36. Adipose [ ăd ′ə-pōs′ ] Relating to or consisting of animal fat.♦ Adipose tissue is a type of connective tissue consisting of Adipose cells, which are specialized to produce and store large fat globules

37. The simulated Agglutinates have properties like those unique to natural Lunar Agglutinates, including highly irregular shapes, heterogeneous compositions, and very small iron metal droplets or globules trapped on and within glasses (see Figure 1)

38. Powder: Brown -- epicarp fragments with alkalies -- reddish-brown, fixed oil globules, aleurone grains, acicular crystals soluble in diluted hydrochloric acid, fibers, tracheae; contains (seed) -- picrotoxin, Anamirtin (cocculin, not bitter or poisonous), fat; pricarp, nearly tasteless) -- menispermine, paramenispermine, hypopicrotoxic acid, resin.

39. La Coagglutination des globules rouges par les mélanges des anticorps et des antigènes Albumineux: Contribution à l'étude de la coagulation du sang: L'endémie tuberculeuse et sa prophylaxie: L'Endotoxine coquelucheuse: Le Microbe de la coqueluche: Publications Diverses]

40. Recherches sur le développement du penicillium glaucum, sous l'influence de l'acidification, dans les liquides Albumineux normaux et pathologiques: Recherches sur les modifications de proportion de quelques principes du sang, fibrines, globules, matériaux solides du sérum et eau dans les maladies