gesticulating in Germany

gesticulating [dʒestikjuleitiŋ] gestikulierend

Sentence patterns related to "gesticulating"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gesticulating" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gesticulating", or refer to the context using the word "gesticulating" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Now you pursue this guy, gesticulating.

2. There was a man outside the window gesticulating wildly.

3. He was gesticulating and laughing, talking to some one.

4. They were gesticulating; they were running around.

5. The architect was gesticulating at a hole in the ground.

6. The other woman was gesticulating at the ambulance.

7. As soon as he spotted her, he began gesticulating frantically.

8. Showed Xiaomin and gesticulating with their theory of the.

9. Her gesticuLating hands and arms made words almost unnecessary.

10. He has a habit of gesticulating while he speaks.

11. Riven saw Bragad gesticulating at Bicker, who sipped wine reflectively.

12. Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as if he found my offer outrageous.

13. She was shouting and gesticulating from the other side of the road.

14. Abruptly Huxter's door opened and Huxter appeared, eyes staring with excitement, arms gesticulating.

15. Flack was crushed into a corner, gesticulating, a beetle turned on to its back.

16. 4 Flack was crushed into a corner, gesticulating, a beetle turned on to its back.

17. She stood on the stoop , shrunken, gesticulating with thin arms , her loose mouth working angrily.

18. A man with a paper hat upon his head was gesticulating wildly.

19. 30 A man with a paper hat upon his head was gesticulating wildly.

20. Their whole way of speaking and gesticulating changed when they were by themselves.

21. When, in his most characteristic gesture, he presses a gesticulating finger to his forehead, his hand trembles.

22. The traditional opera is a comprehensive art that includes singing, gesticulating, elocution and acrobatics.

23. So Hall and Henfrey, rather crestfallen, tiptoed back to the bar, gesticulating to explain to her.

24. Last July, in peak form, pirouetting on his toes and gesticulating wildly, he was wickedly funny and amazingly indiscreet.

25. Monty broke into slangy, rapid French, gesticulating and hopping from foot to peg-leg and back again.

26. There was much gesticulating, Teodor banging the table, his thigh, his friends' thighs, throwing wide his arms.

27. 24 When, in his most characteristic gesture, he presses a gesticulating finger to his forehead, his hand trembles.

28. He was gesticulating wildly at me, but I could not understand what he was trying to tell me.

29. Videos of West standing on a table in tailored GQ duds while gesticulating through new rhymes (sans musical accompaniment) quickly made the rounds.

30. Spanish-speaking expressive narrative communicational Flemish-speaking verbal Bantu-speaking gesticulating anecdotical Italian-speaking English-speaking openhearted Japanese-speaking anecdotic outspoken talebearing German-speaking Blabbermouthed gestural Finno-Ugric-speaking newsy Turkic-speaking voluble Icelandic-speaking nonverbal Kannada

31. 1954, Kingsley Amis, chapter 12, in Lucky Jim: groups of dancers were wheeling, plunging, and gesticulating while the ogre, more Aphasic than before, mumbled at full strength··(speech pathology) One who is afflicted by symptoms of aphasia.

32. ‘Players go Backwards and forwards, alternating the target box in the same manner as for quoits or bowls.’ ‘‘The wings were going Backwards and forwards like it was trying to balance itself,’ she said.’ ‘She paces Backwards and forwards, at one end of the platform, muttering quietly to herself, gesticulating with quick fingers.’