geometrically in Germany

geometrically [dʒiəmetrikɑːliː] geometrische

Sentence patterns related to "geometrically"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "geometrically" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "geometrically", or refer to the context using the word "geometrically" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Synonyms for Computationally include mathematically, algebraically, arithmetically, numerically, statistically, geometrically, trigonometrically, topologically

2. Study the figures below to see how a Conic is geometrically defined.

3. Research Interests: Geometrically Nonlinear Effects and Dynamic Aeroelasticity in Multidisciplinary Design Optimization

4. The valve member includes a non-circular geometrically shaped head having a bore.

5. Synonyms for Arithmetically include mathematically, algebraically, numerically, statistically, geometrically, trigonometrically, topologically, algorithmically

6. In general, the Autocorrelation function - is nonzero but is geometrically damped for AR process.

7. An integrated intraoperative instrument navigation ensures that the planned proceedings are performed geometrically correct.

Durch eine integrierte intraoperative Instrumentennavigation wird sichergestellt, daß die geplanten Vorgänge auch geometrisch richtig ausgeführt werden.

8. It crosses at right angles several streets of the geometrically implemented urban expansion.

Sie quert im rechten Winkel mehrere Straßen der damals geometrisch gestalteten Stadterweiterung.

9. A geometrically skewed matrix of conductors is thus produced on the plastic film.

Es entsteht so eine geometrisch verzerrte Matrix aus Leitern auf der Kunststofffolie.

10. They permit an always geometrically accurate teeth contact and beyond that, very delicate backlash adjustment.

Sie gestatten eine verzahnungsgeometrisch exakte und darüber hinaus sehr feinfühlige Spieleinstellung.

11. The tests were performed with single notched, geometrically almost 2D-similar SENB bending specimens.

Die Versuche wurden mit einseitig gekerbten, geometrisch weitgehend 2D-ähnlichen SENB-Biegeproben durchgeführt.

12. Geometrically r is the distance of the z from zero or the origin O in the complex plane.

13. Merging of mosaics or single geometrically corrected imagery and bit coded maps is carried out on-line.

14. The state space of a single qubit register can be represented geometrically by the Bloch sphere .

Blochsphere.png Auch der Vorgang des Messens lässt sich anhand der Blochsphäre schön darstellen: Im Bild rechts kennzeichnet der kleine rote Punkt einen möglichen Zustand des Qubits.

15. We would be squashed down to occupy a single plane of existence, geometrically speaking, of course.

16. In the present paper a geometrically nonlinear electromechanically coupled theory for thin shells with piezoelectric transducers is presented.

In diesem Beitrag wird zuerst eine elektromechanisch gekoppelte Theorie für dünne Schalen mit piezoelektrischen Wandlern im Rahmen einer geometrisch nichtlinearen Formulierung vorgestellt.

17. A topological Autorouter uses a different method of mapping the routing space - one that is not geometrically constrained

18. The main point of his essay was that population multiplies geometrically and food Arithmetically, therefore whenever the food supply

19. The first Boulevardiers got their name from the thoroughfares they frequented: the typically straight and geometrically precise boulevards of Paris

20. In a number of embodiments, the geometrically shaped constellation is optimized for an Additive White Gaussian Noise channel or a fading channel.

21. Lastly, mathematicians used the theory developed to construct various strongly homotopy Lie algebras as higher central extensions of Lie algebras geometrically.

Schließlich wandten die Mathematiker die entwickelte Theorie an, um verschiedene streng homotope Lie-Algebren geometrisch als höhere zentrale Erweiterungen von Lie-Algebren zu konstruieren.

22. This paper introduces the application of Amperes molecular current hypothesis in magnetic force doing work on current-carrying coil and in the geometrically explain Stockers formula.

23. Each keypad configuration, which is presented by an optical shutter (204) that opens or closes windows or shutters that are geometrically configured as alphanumeric or device keys or symbols.

24. Geometrically the sum is taken along a 'hyperbola' XY = ab and we consider this as defining an algebraic curve over the finite field with p elements.

25. Thomas Malthus claimed that the world’s population (i.e., in the late 18th and early 19th centuries) was growing geometrically; though food production was only growing Arithmetically (i.e.,

26. The Bushbuck is an antelope with geometrically shaped white patches or spots on the most mobile parts of its body — the ears, chin, tail, legs, and neck

27. The Autocorrelation function begins at some point determined by both the AR and MA components but thereafter, declines geometrically at a rate determined by the AR component

28. Further, because the light from the Sun is refracted as it passes through the Earth's atmosphere, the Sun is still visible after it is geometrically below the horizon.

29. The white and geometrically carved Apuan Alps suggest interesting treks through ancient marble pathways (called lizze), caves, deep caverns, channels, hundred-meter-deep cliffs and spiked mountain peaks about 2000 meter high.

Diese weiß strahlenden, vielfach wie geometrische Körper geschnittenen Marmorberge bieten außergewöhnliche Wanderungen: auf alten Saumpfaden und vie di lizza (Marmortransportwege), durch schattige Buchen- und Kastanienwälder, zwischen Marmorbrüchen, tiefen Höhlen, steilen Rinnen, scharfen Felsgraten, vertikalen Wänden und mächtigen, bis zu 2000 m hohen Bergspitzen mit Fernblick auf Meer, Inseln und Apennin.

30. Bivariate Normal Distribution A special case of the multivariate normal distribution is the Bivariate normal distribution with only two variables, so that we can show many of its aspects geometrically

31. ‘The Aplanat is a variation of the simple Abbe, but usually of 3 element design which furnishes a more geometrically perfect cone of light, though its chromatic aberrations are similar to the Abbe's.’

32. When solving approximately the differential equation for Kirchhoff plates by means of the principle of minimum potential (matrix displacement method) the geometrically imposed boundary conditions and the geometrical compatibility between adjacent elements must be satisfied.

Die näherungsweise Lösung der Kirchhoffschen Plattengleichung über das gewöhnliche Weggrößen verfahren als Minimalfunktional erfordert die Erfüllung der geometrischen Zwangs- und Stetigkeitsbedingungen an den Elementrändern.

33. However, it is possible to create a geometrically accurate Axonometric plan view in the top viewport, which can then be used with Make2D to create exporta ble l ine geometry for 2D plans

34. A central point of the central spherical portion is laterally and upwardly eccentric by a certain amount, with respect to a geometrically central point of the left, right, top, and bottom of the rear view mirror.

35. If you’re meeting with a NYC client, you can tell them “you would have gotten the SAME excess return that our clients in London, Sydney, Tokyo, and Berlin get,” but that’s only true geometrically, not Arithmetically, which is what matters to just about everyone in the world.

36. Static and Dynamic Measurement of Intra-Industry Trade and Adjustment: A Geometric Reappraisal. — The principal analytical device used is an industry “trade box” that allows the authors to geometrically examine changes in intra-industry trade (ITT), total trade (TT), net trade (NT) and the Grubel and Lloyd (GL) index as a result of movements in trade points.

Statische und dynamische Messung von intraindustriellem Handel und Anpassung: Eine geometrische Neubewertung. — Die Verfasser benutzen als hauptsÄchliches analytisches Werkzeug Box-Diagramme für den Handel mit Industriegütern, die es ihnen erlauben, auf geometrischem Wege VerÄnderungen zu untersuchen, die sich im intraindustriellen Handel, Gesamthandel, Nettohandel und Grubel-Lloyd-Index als Ergebnis von Bewegungen in Handelspunkten zeigen.

37. ‘All six lenses are fully corrected Aplanats, so they can be mixed and matched in a focusing or non-focusing configuration to obtain the desired magnification.’ ‘The aplanat is a variation of the simple Abbe, but usually of 3 element design which furnishes a more geometrically perfect cone of light, though its chromatic aberrations are

38. - [Voiceover] So, in the last video I talked about Curvature and the radius of Curvature, and I described it purely geometrically where I'm saying, you imagine driving along a certain road, your steering wheel locks, and you're wondering what the radius of the circle that you draw with your car, you know through whatever surrounding fields there are on the road as a result, and the special

39. The geometric definition of Constructible numbers motivates a corresponding definition of Constructible points, which can again be described either geometrically or algebraically.A point is Constructible if it can be produced (as an endpoint of a line segment or crossing point of two lines or circles) as one of the points of a compass and straight edge construction, starting from a given unit