generalizing in Germany

generalizing [dʒenrəlaiziŋ] verallgemeinernd

Sentence patterns related to "generalizing"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "generalizing" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "generalizing", or refer to the context using the word "generalizing" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. 6 • The key to generalizing Benders is generalizing the dual

2. I'm going to wrap up by generalizing beyond just farming.

3. This instance does not justify generalizing a doctrine of predestination that includes each individual.

4. Another way of generalizing ideas from algebraic geometry is differential algebraic geometry.

Eine andere Art, Ideen der algebraischen Geometrie zu verallgemeinern, ist differentielle algebraische Geometrie.

5. Coarticulation; generalizing /r/ r articulation; r vocalics; teaching /r/ Published by sashabro89

6. Our history teacher is always generalizing; he never deals with anything in detail.

7. (This notion should not to be confused with the other Kleene algebra generalizing regular expressions.)

8. In particular, she developed a completely new theory of ideals in rings, generalizing earlier work of Richard Dedekind.

9. That catches the familiar dictum that science explains particular events by generalizing and by making them cases of laws at work.

10. Captivity can be used as a generalizing term to describe the keeping of either domesticated animals (livestock and pets) or wild animals

11. Compactness was introduced into topology with the intention of generalizing the properties of the closed and bounded subsets of Rn

12. Barolo is a highly complex region in terms of its exposures, ridges, geologies and soils, which makes generalizing in a vintage like 2017 very difficult, if not impossible

13. There is a quotation from his paper, Remarks on Nicod's Axiom and on "Generalizing Deduction", page 180; "I came upon the idea of a parenthesis-free notation in 1924.

14. Anthropology means “the study of people.” It assumes that generalizing about human life takes an integrated study of human biology and culture, past and present, and simple and complex lifeways

15. In this paper, we propose a new hybrid model by generalizing Contractive auto-encoder paradigm into matrix factorization framework with good scalability and computational efficiency, which jointly models content information as representations of effectiveness and compactness, and leverage implicit user feedback to make accurate recommendations.

16. Affine connections may also be used to define (affine) geodesics on a manifold, generalizing the straight lines of Euclidean space, although the geometry of those straight lines can be very different from usual Euclidean geometry; the main differences are encapsulated in the curvature of the connection.

17. Anatomized Learning Problem Given some l-diverse data in the anatomy model, can we learn accurate data mining models? • What is the anatomy model? • What is l-diverse? • Under which assumptions? Anatomy Model Separate data table ( ) into two tables, identifier (𝐼 ) and sensitive table ( ) instead of generalizing records in the same group: