geiger counter in Germany

Geiger counter [gaigərkauntər] Geigerzähle

Sentence patterns related to "geiger counter"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "geiger counter" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "geiger counter", or refer to the context using the word "geiger counter" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. This is a Geiger counter.

2. Here we have a Geiger counter.

3. Geiger Counter (Geiger-Müller Counter) a

4. I ran my Geiger counter over its leaves.

5. Wolf's house is setting off a geiger counter!

6. 3 The Geiger counter may not have been properly calibrated.

7. And why is that location lighting up a geiger counter?

8. At Wayne Enterprises, I developed a miniature Geiger counter for battlefield use.

9. The Geiger counter in the suit... it's reading less than one millirad.

10. And your geiger counter is lighting up because I have prostate cancer!

11. Material testing instruments and machines therefore, namely dosimeters, radiation analyzers, radiation radiometers, geiger counter, photometers

Materialprüfinstrumente und -maschinen, nämlich Dosimeter, Strahlenanalysatoren, Strahlenmesser, Geigerzähler, Belichtungsmesser

12. · A radiological meter capable of determining the presence of alpha particles, beta particles or gamma rays (geiger counter).

13. I went up to cedar, and I ran the Geiger counter over its leaves, and as I suspected, silence.

14. And then I borrowed some high-tech stuff from my university: a Geiger counter, a scintillation counter, a mass spectrometer, microscopes.

15. She learned only after the war that she had been performing the important task of checking for radiation with a geiger counter.

16. Germany has been the home of many famous inventors and engineers, including Hans Geiger, the creator of the Geiger counter; and Konrad Zuse, who built the first fully automatic digital computer.

17. Scientific measuring instruments such as mass spectrometer, microanalyzer, microscope, magnetic resonance spectrometer, spectrophotometer, spectrometer, photometer, p.h. meter, toselius electrophoresis apparatus, geiger counter, gas chromatograph, nuclear magnetic resonance, amino acid analyzer, fluorescence spectro photometer, atomic absorption spectrometer, liquid chromatograph

Wissenschaftliche Messinstrumente wie Massenspektrometer, Mikroanalysegeräte, Mikroskope, Magnetresonanz-Spektrometer, Spektrofotometer, Spektrometer, Fotometer, pH-Messgeräte, Toselius-Elektrophoresegeräte, Geigerzähler, Gaschromatografen, Kernresonanz, Aminosäure-Analysegeräte, Fluoreszenz-Spektrofotometer, Atomabsorptionsspektrometer, Flüssigkeitschromatograf

18. The methods are based on the activation of the preservative salts and the wood in the atom pile by neutron shooting and the measuring of the subsequently emitted rays with a Geiger counter regarding half-life and radiation energy.

Bei dem einen Weg wird die unterschiedliche Halbwertszeit, bei dem zweiten die unterschiedliche Strahlenenergie der beiden aktiven Isotope51Chrom und76Arsen zur Analyse herangezogen. Voraussetzungen und Durchführung beider Meßverfahren werden dargestellt.

19. Germany has been the home of many famous inventors and engineers, such as Johannes Gutenberg, who is credited with the invention of movable type printing in Europe; Hans Geiger, the creator of the Geiger counter; and Konrad Zuse, who built the first computer.