fumigation in Germany

fumigation [fjuːmigeiʃən] Desinfektio

Sentence patterns related to "fumigation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fumigation" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fumigation", or refer to the context using the word "fumigation" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. 14 Fumigation does not abate cold smoke.

2. has been subjected to fumigation or other appropriate treatment against Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill.)

einer Begasung oder anderen sachgerechten Behandlung gegen Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill.)

3. (b) has been subjected to fumigation or other appropriate treatment against Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill.)

b) einer Begasung oder anderen sachgerechten Behandlung gegen Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill.)

4. has been subjected to an appropriate fumigation or other appropriate treatment against Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill.)

einer Begasung oder einer anderen geeigneten Behandlung gegen Cryphonectria parasitica (Murrill.)

5. Persistence (surfaces, materials) and inactivation by Biocidal agents used for disinfection (suspension tests, carrier tests, fumigation studies)

6. The exporter or his agent shall pay inspection, fumigation and other treatment charges as per rates prescribed.

7. Organic particles wettet with water glass solution are hardened by means of CO2 fumigation and hot-air treatment.

Mit Wasserglaslösung benetzte organische Partikeln werden mit Hilfe einer CO2-Begasung und Heißlufttrocknung gehärtet.

8. All prices are quoted in USD and are FOB ex-Yangon including all local handling fees and container fumigation.

Zu unseren FOB-Angebotspreisen addieren Sie bitte die Kosten für den Containertransport von Yangon/Union of Myanmar zum entsprechenden Hafen und den Weitertransport der Ware an ihren Bestimmungsort.

9. ResultsThe effect of disinfection with the method of immediate fresh garlic-solution-spray is better than the method of mugwort fumigation.

10. Circumfluent fumigation, then Phosphme concentration was measured and recorded at the enactment pomts and tunes BaSISof modelIng The rule, CT = K (product of concentration and tune ) was lmuted when It was used for a high Phosphme concentration fumigation m store with gram, because pests can be inductively m narcotism by a high concentration of

11. The threshold level of ethylene required to cause Abscission of intact leaves was between 0.08 and 1 mul/l with Abscission generally occurring 12 to 24 hours following ethylene fumigation.

12. Fumigation experiments were made with soil samples dried on the air and with others almost saturated with water. Trapex works independent of soil moisture.

Experimente mit lufttrockenen und mit fast ganz wassergesättigten Bodenproben ergaben, daß keine Wirkungsabhängigkeit vom Wassergehalt des Bodens besteht.

13. Microbial respiration rate method , fumigation method or plate count measurements (e.g. bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi and total colonies) for aerobic studies; methanogenesis rate for anaerobic studies

14. Microbial respiration rate method (26), fumigation method (27) or plate count measurements (e.g. bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi and total colonies) for aerobic studies; methanogenesis rate for anaerobic studies.

Die Methode der mikrobiellen Respirationsrate (26), die Fumigationsmethode (27) oder die Bestimmung der Lebendkeimzahl (z. B. Bakterien, Aktinomyceten, Pilze und Gesamtzahl der Kolonien) für aerobe Untersuchungen; Methanogeneserate bei anaeroben Untersuchungen.

15. Transport units ventilated after fumigation are accepted for carriage without markings, although during lengthy transport operations gases may escape from fumigated goods or packaging materials and may accumulate in concentrations exceeding the accepted values.

16. • Addam is a Gaussian plume model that considers the following atmospheric dispersion phenomena (all have been validated): –Plume rise, downwash, and entrainment (effective release height) –Fumigation –Reflection from an elevated inversion –Transport and dispersion (plume broadening and plume