full employment in Germany

full employment [fulimplɔimənt] Vollbeschäftigung

Sentence patterns related to "full employment"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "full employment" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "full employment", or refer to the context using the word "full employment" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. With an unemployment rate of about # % # yprus actually enjoys conditions of `full employment'

2. It is a comprehensive plan, which aims at full employment within two years.

3. In most countries, the adjustment of wage costs is still insufficient to ensure full employment.

In den meisten Ländern reicht die Anpassung der Lohnkosten immer noch nicht aus, um Vollbeschäftigung zu sichern.

4. Attaining full employment in Europe by 2010 calls for resolute and continued efforts by all actors involved.

Vollbeschäftigung in Europe bis zum Jahr 2010 lässt sich nur erreichen, wenn alle beteiligten Akteure entschlossen und beharrlich auf dieses Ziel hinarbeiten.

5. 19 It was based on a fusion of the commitment to full employment and a desire to promote consumer choice.

6. In some countries that are at or close to full employment, real wage increases could accelerate, with related positive effects on aggregate consumption.

In Ländern mit Vollbeschäftigung oder annähernder Vollbeschäftigung könnten die Reallohnerhöhungen beschleunigt und dadurch der Gesamtverbrauch gesteigert werden.

7. Examples of governmental white papers include, in Australia, the White Paper on Full Employment and, in the United Kingdom, the White Paper of 1939 and the 1966 Defence White Paper.

8. The Fed’s first priority is to try to keep the American economy from dropping too far below full employment, and to try and avoid a US meltdown contaminating other economies.

Die oberste Priorität der Fed ist, die amerikanische Wirtschaft davor zu bewahren sehr weit unter Vollbeschäftigung zu fallen und zu verhindern, dass die Krise in den USA auch andere Ökonomien in Mitleidenschaft zieht.

9. By making inflation the absolute barometer of good economic health, there is a risk that the current recovery will be stifled, and that the prospect of a return to full employment will be put off to a time which is decidedly not 'reasonable' .

Indem man die Inflation zu dem absoluten Barometer für die gute Verfassung der Wirtschaft macht, wird schlichtweg das Risiko eingegangen, dass die gegenwärtige wirtschaftliche Wiederbelebung erstickt wird und die Aussichten auf eine Rückkehr zur Vollbeschäftigung in weite Ferne rücken.

10. ‘We Assume full responsibility for the content of this article.’ ‘Despite all this help, the work remains my own, and I Assume full responsibility for any shortcomings or errors.’ ‘The party also proposed that the state Assume responsibility for full employment based on a minimum wage related to the cost of living.’

11. ‘We Assume full responsibility for the content of this article.’ ‘Despite all this help, the work remains my own, and I Assume full responsibility for any shortcomings or errors.’ ‘The party also proposed that the state Assume responsibility for full employment based on a minimum wage related to the cost of living.’