front wall in Germany

front wall [frʌntwɔːl] Stirnwand

Sentence patterns related to "front wall"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "front wall" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "front wall", or refer to the context using the word "front wall" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Outside, a sizeable iron drive-wheel projects through the front wall.

2. An Anterior placenta is when the placenta attaches to the front wall of the uterus

3. It must not hit the floor after hitting the racket and before hitting the front wall.

4. Since every ball must strike the front wall above the tin (unlike racketball), the ball cannot be easily "killed".

5. When braking without Baffles, the liquid keeps surging forward and pushing against the front wall of the tank, dramatically shifting the weight in the tanker and increasing risk of jackknife or rollover.

6. “LIKE a large and startled family, living in a ramshackle old house whose front wall has suddenly collapsed, there seems to be a row going on in practically every room —with tambourine-bashing Jesus children screaming at elegant Anglo-Catholic homosexuals in black silk suits.” —The Sunday Times, London, April 11, 1993.

„WIE bei einer großen, aufgeschreckten Familie in einem verkommenen alten Haus, dessen Giebelwand plötzlich eingestürzt ist, kann man hier in fast allen Zimmern Krawall beobachten, wobei sich tamburinschlagende Jesuskinder und elegante, in schwarze Seidenanzüge gekleidete anglo-katholische Homosexuelle gegenseitig anschreien“ (The Sunday Times, London, 11. April 1993).